Latest Info: TYou can know more details of the EPM work and the benefits for the work participants by reading the recent issues of Guhen's online newsletter, featuring a series of "EPS FAQ's" at:
Latest Info 2: One of the attendants indicated during the Q&A time of the workshop that he had been interested in my EPM work, because he had been seeking someone who might be continuing the legacy of such altered states of consciousness related works as advanced by Robert Anton Wilson, Timothy Leary and Alan Watts, all of whom are already dead. I personally strongly hope that what I have been studying in an experiential way in the last 35 years IS exactly what he may have thought I had been achieving so far.
This is a group based in Tokyo for English speaking people who are interested in enhancing their innovation and creativity and/or seeking spritual mentorship.
I have been a Japanese NLP trainer and spiritual counselor for many years, and have recently decided to start to teach the ”EPM (Expansive Psychology Method)" to English speaking people.
I have been directly trained by the four most important co-founders and co-developers of NLP and have been a disciple to an Indian guru for the last 35 years, which made me thoroughly and intensively study Shankaracharya, the founder of Advaita (Non-dualistic) Vendata, a school of ancient Indian philosophy - I am a staunch Shankarite. Thus, EPM can be said to represent my "integral work" trying to synthesize the Western and the Eastern wisdom.
EPM is further based on the "cognitive expansionism" of modern Western empires which discovered the unknown continent of America in 1492, went as far as California during the Gold Rush period, and invented electric bulbs, trains, cars, airplanes, telephone, radio, television, computers, nuclear weapons, spaceships including Apollo 11, and so on, and which further later enabled modern Americans to discover and explore "the unknown territory of altered states of consciousness" during the sixties' Counter-culture revolution, as well as "the unknown territory of Cyberspace" to start different revolutions in the fields of IT, VR, AI, genetic engineering, molecular biology, etc., from the late nineties.
EPM work will enable one to become a "cognitive expansionist" who can continually update and expand his or her own box (model of the world, set of presuppositions, etc.)
I believe that this very methodology is something strongly sought-after by both Western people, who may need to be "competitive innovators" in the highly technical IT oriented world, and Japanese people, who might not be able to survive as individuals and/or as corporations in a more and more globalized world, unless they have the skills to continually go beyond their own boxes.
I look forward to your participating in the group, and to having interesting chats with those interested in EPM offering innovation mentorship.