Hi, there!
We organize English Rakugo Show, traditional Japanese storytelling, in Tokyo
今後のイベント (2)件
すべて見る- The 9th English Rakugo Wonderland 第9回English Rakugo Wonderland浅草公会堂, 東京
Please come and join this rare opportunity where you'll enjoy Rakugo in English! Rakugo is a Japanese traditional art of storytelling that has 400 years of history. Rakugo is a treasure trove of laughter, tears, and terror best shared with the world.
Even if you don't understand Japanese, you will enjoy the true feelings of Rakugo. Let's enjoy the world of English rakugo together!
あなたも英語落語の世界を楽しんでみませんか?多くの方のお越しをお待ちしています。●Admission fee : 500JPY *Please pay at the venue.
●Venue: Room 2, Asakusa Public Hall 4F (See Map Below)
●Children under the age of 6 are not allowed.
●Register yourself as our LINE friend from here.
●Visit our website from here.●木戸銭:500円 ※当日会場にてお支払いください。
●開催場所:浅草公会堂 4階 第2集会室(地図をご参照ください)
Jugemu (寿限無) / Dash
Boiled Beans (味噌豆) / Tanekichi
The Zoo (動物園) / Eiwa
Scary Hamburgers (ハンバーガー怖い) / Goose
- intermission (仲入り) -
Time Noodles (時そば) / Nirin
The Opposite Direction (反対車) / Usagi
The Best Name for a Cat (廻り猫) / Suiren
Another Bottle of Sake (替り目) / Shichiri - The 24th Bilingual Rakugo Show 第24回バイリンガル落語会浅草公会堂, 東京
Please come and join this rare opportunity where you'll enjoy Rakugo in English! Rakugo is a Japanese traditional art of storytelling that has 400 years of history. Rakugo is a treasure trove of laughter, tears, and terror best shared with the world.
Even if you don't understand Japanese, you will enjoy the true feelings of Rakugo. Let's enjoy the world of English rakugo together!笑い、涙、恐怖の玉手箱、落語そんな玉手箱を日本人だけが楽しんでいてはもったいない。
あなたも英語落語の世界を楽しんでみませんか?多くの方のお越しをお待ちしています。●Advance Ticket : 1,500 yen
●Day of the Show Ticket : 1,700 yen
●Venue: Room 3, Asakusa Public Hall 5F, 1-38-6 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0032
●Children under the age of 6 are not allowed.
●Register yourself as our LINE friend from here.
●Visit our website from here.●前売券:1,500円
●開催場所:〒111-0032 東京都台東区浅草1-38-6 浅草公会堂 5階 第3集会室
寿限無 / かつ弥
Jugemu / Panda
権助魚 / はな美
Gonsuke and Fish / Shiranami
- intermission (仲入り) -
紙入れ / 吉遊
The Wallet / Ichirin
鷺とり / あいむ
A Heron Hunter / Eiraku