

Who we are

Tokyo Haskell Meetup is a group that meets mostly every month in Tokyo. English is the dominant language and we enjoy casual and lively discussions of Haskell and Functional Languages, (and others including Philosophy, Politics, Business, etc.), while helping each other learn Haskell. Our members proficiency in Haskell is very diverse – from the beginners (such as myself) to the experts.

(excerpted from: https://www.haskell.org/communities/11-2017/html/report.html )

What we do

Meet somewhere in Tokyo to discuss the above topics. The group is quite new and members are quite few, so we are still trying to figure out every one's levels and what people want to focus on in this group. We dont't have a steady location yet so we usually meet in some co-working space.

Group Communication Tools

We have some on-line chat rooms at https://gitter.im/tokyo-haskell-meetup. You can read these without logging in, but to send a message you will need to log in with a GitHub, GitLab or Twitter account.

In addition, there is an experimental Telegram chat room called 'Tokyo Haskell Meetup Scheduling'.