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JavaScript Chicago Meetup scheduled for January 22d

From: Vlad D.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 9:59 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Chicago JavaScript Group!

What: JavaScript Chicago Meetup

When: January 22,[masked]:00 PM

Meetup Description: Our fourth meetup topics will be decided by voting in Google moderator. Topics for the meetup will be the top three for which presenters are available. To give presenters ten days for preparation, we will cut off voting on evening of January 11th.

Please, vote for the existing topics or add your on topics if appropriate. To avoid too much segmentation, please, respond to existing topics instead of creating new ones, if you would like to have something close, but not quite like the topic listed.

We would like to drive towards active, self-contributing community, versus passive education. Please, email organizers if you would like to present on any of the topics. This is a great opportunity to get out and help yourself understand a subject in detail while preparing AND practice your presentation skills.

We do not have a room reserved yet - we need to have initial interest indications to estimate the participation. Tentatively we are talking with DePaul about a 45-person room. That will be adjusted upwards if initial response is strong.

We are looking forward for the meetup!

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