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December 9th Ken Wilber Meetup - Essential Spirituality

From: Anita
Sent on: Wednesday, December 1, 2010, 8:29 PM
It is December already! Even if you have not been able to join us for the previous sessions, everyone is still welcome to join in at any time for an ongoing series of monthly meetups, focusing on Roger Walsh's Essential Spirituality: The Seven Central Practices to Awaken Heart and Mind.

The December 9th meetup will focus on Practice 2: Cultivating Emotional Wisdom - Healing the Heart and Learning to Love. It is preferable that you have been able to complete the reading before our meeting (this meetup will cover chapters 10-14) but please don't hesitate to come if you have not been able to do that. We also have copies of the book for sale. Our gatherings so far have demonstrated the level of deep sharing and connections possible among those attending, while holding our common purpose.

If you are curious about what to expect for the Essential Spirituality series, here is a short summary of our format. Each session is facilitated by a different person, this time it will be Anita Conner. We open and close with short meditations about our shared intentions. The first part of the meetup consists of a check-in with each participant focusing on how the previous month's practice went for them. Then we move to a group discussion of some aspect of the reading, exchanging our individual perspectives while honoring our differences and our commonalities. The last portion will include engaging in one or more of Walsh's suggested practices, and then choosing how we each would like to continue our own personal practice until the next monthly meetup.

You can join us the 2nd Thursday of every month, at our regular location Vie de France @ 6:30PM
Conveniently located next to the L'Enfant Plaza Metro Stop. Please RSVP:


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