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About Full Stack Coding: We’re a coding group that is open to anyone interested in tech – whether you’re looking to make a career change, build on your existing skills, or simply want to explore what the tech space has to offer. Our members are from all walks of life and range from established tech professionals to small business owners and students alike.

We focus our classes on real life use-cases so that our curriculum works for your career goals or small business. At our structured classes, you’ll walk away with direct access to companies ready to hire, real-life job skills, online resources for studying at home, and a community with other tech-minded individuals. During our networking sessions, we connect our members directly to companies for potential hiring opportunities.

Our meetings are hosted at a WeWork space (yes that means unlimited caffeine, and beer and kombucha on tap!) where we meet three times a week – Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. We made sure our classes work for people with a 9-5 schedule. If you’re new to Full Stack Coding, we recommend you join us on Sundays for our informal open office hours and networking session. More structured classes are also available for a small fee so that you can build your skills without breaking the bank. Check out our schedule and we hope to see you at our next Meetup!

About myself: I’m Adam, a technical consultant working on enterprise applications for financial giants during the day, and owner of a successful cleaning business https://www.maidstay.com/ on the side. Most of my weekends are spent playing Super Smash Brothers and working on my Muay Thai technique. I started Full Stack Coding after feeling completely unprepared for the job market when I finished a popular coding bootcamp here in NYC, which also left me in debt. I want to help people use tech as an opportunity to get ahead in their lives the way it’s helped me.

Frameworks I’m most familiar with:

Frontend: Angular 2+, React, React native, Vue

Backend: Laravel, Drupal, Wordpress (kind of a backend framework haha), Flask, Django, Go (language but whatever), Ruby on Rails, Node.js

About the other organizers:

Sina is the Director of Engineering for a tech consulting firm, owner of https://www.colorcode.io/, and makes a mean hot toddy. His podcast, The Drunk Web, features a series of conversations with web professionals, engineers, coders, designers, managers, execs, CEOs, and all the other wonderful people who make the web every day, over several hot toddies of course. You can find it at: https://www.thedrunkweb.com/