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Re: [ronpaul-50] Moving beyond Ron Paul

From: Christiano C.
Sent on: Thursday, March 6, 2008, 10:51 AM
To Jobeyer and Drew, or anyone else that thinks the race is over,

    McCain has not won the Republican nomination. He just gained enough delegates to send Huckabee running for the hills. We should be seeing Tuesday's primaries as a step forward in our fight, not as as the knockout punch. Ron Paul has regained his seat in the House, guaranteeing that the voice of the Nation's conscience will not be silenced. The playing field is down to two, and our fight against the Mainstream Media still continues. With Huckabee still in the race, they could ignore Ron Paul, but now their deafening silence on his campaign will become glaring. If we continue our efforts to spread the word of the Revolution, and continue coming out in large numbers and demonstrating against how our Government and Media have bee hijacked, their lack of coverage will only further prove our point to the American people. We still need to make our grand march on Washington, and send them a message they can't ignore. Paul has said many times that he will stay in the race "as long as his supporters wish it". If we decide the race is over, then we are right, for it is the people and ONLY the people that can throw Ron Paul's towel on the mat. Ron Paul has been adamant about reminding us that this is not his Revolution. This Revolution belongs to the PEOPLE, and it is either through our collective strength or our unsure individuation that this Revolution will succeed or fail.

Keep the fight alive,

Christiano Covino

----- Original Message ----
From: Jobeyer Ahmed <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Wednesday, March 5,[masked]:16:47 PM
Subject: [ronpaul-50] Moving beyond Ron Paul

Fellow Patriots,
As you already know, the race for the Republican nomination is over.  But that does not mean that Ron Paul should be left to spread the message of limited government by himself.  If we are ever to restore the constitution, WE need to spread the message.  Ron Paul woke up millions of Americans, but there are many more that need to hear what he has to say.  Are you going to let all his hard work be in vain?  Or are you going to act now because your freedom still hangs in the balance? 

 Come join us as we take our group in a new direction and start spreading Dr. Paul's message of liberty throughout the city and beyond.  Ron Paul will not be the next president and that means our rights and freedoms are still at risk, probably more so than ever.  Limiting ourselves to only campaigning for Presidential elections is what our opponents want us to do:  if we don't do anything else, we won't win any presidential elections! 

 April 15th is right around the corner.  There's no better time to tell people about the evil of the IRS and campaigns like this are the best way to keep the Ron Paul Revolution alive.  We are planning an organized event throughout the city to make people aware that they do not and should not have to pay an income tax.  Please join us this Saturday, March 8 at 4pm at the Ron Paul NYC HQ for our planning meeting.  Please RSVP by following the link to our meetup calendar.

 Please don't let Dr. Paul's hard work go in vain.  Let's all stand up as patriotic Americans and help take this country back one issue at a time!

In Liberty,

Jobeyer Ahmed and Drew Rushford

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." - Samuel Adams

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