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THIS MONDAY: New Meetup: CQRS, race conditions, and sagas - oh my! - a talk by Udi Dahan - Nov 1st 18:30

From: Wendy D.
Sent on: Sunday, October 31, 2010, 9:45 PM
Sorry for announcing so late...

Announcing a new Meetup for London .NET Meetup Group!

THIS Monday November 1st, Udi Dahan will give a talk on CQRS and the Saga patter at Skills Matter

What: CQRS, race conditions, and sagas - oh my! - a talk by Udi Dahan

When: Monday, November 1,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Skills Matter
The Skills Matter eXchange[masked] Goswell Road
London EC1V 7DP

You've heard about Command-Query Responsibility Segregation, but you're not quite sure how to implement certain rules in your system, especially the rules that seem to indicate race conditions between the success of one user's commands, and another's.

Join Udi Dahan as he describes a different way of analyzing these rules as well as the use of the saga pattern for implementing them. You'll never look at a domain model the same way again.

This is a free event for registered participants and you can register here:

About Udi
Udi Dahan is the lead of the NServiceBus project ? the most popular open-source .NET Enterprise Service Bus and an internationally renowned expert on software architecture and design. Udi runs courses on Architecture, Distributed SOA, DDD, CQRS and NServiceBus at Skills Matter

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