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New Meetup: Mads Torgersen from Microsoft will talk about C# 5 - this week, dont miss it

From: Wendy D.
Sent on: Sunday, October 31, 2010, 9:52 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for London .NET Meetup Group!

What: Mads Torgersen from Microsoft will talk about C#5 - this week, dont miss it

When: Thursday, November 4,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Skills Matter
The Skills Matter eXchange[masked] Goswell Road
London EC1V 7DP

Mads Torgersen from Microsoft will talk about C# 5. We will probably be the first people in Europe to present on it. We are not able to say a lot about content, because it will only go public the week before with Anders at PDC, but as Mads is Anders Hejslberg's (the designer of the C# language) right hand man expect to get the inside scoop on what is coming.

Event is nearly full - so please register in advance on the Skills Matter website, to make sure we have enough space?! -

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