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Weekly Newsletter 5-Apr 2012

From: Olga P.
Sent on: Thursday, April 5, 2012, 1:10 PM

** if you can't see the links in this email view it online here: **

Dear LSR Member,

Hope you’re all looking forward to a nice long weekend!

Great turnout and some really interesting projects pitched yesterday at the drinks night.  Many thanks to those that presented and to Anton and James for hosting, we look forward to another evening like this next month!

For our next two events, we’re looking to help startups get in front of new customers whether you have a product aimed at enterprises, consumers or startups.  Big Business meets Startup and TechStartupWorld Expo are taking place on 26 April and we’re delighted to have MongoDB as our Platinum Sponsor for both. 

More details about the events are also on our main website which now has a new look, hope you like it!
Big Business meets Startup:

If you’d like to present at one of these or talk to us about sponsoring, just get in touch with anton[at]techmeetups[dot]com or myself.

A number of you will remember the great presentation from John Agnes at Foodity at our eCommerce summit last month.  They’re one of the runners in the Inno-Tech Competition so if you like what you heard from John, they’d very much appreciate your vote here:

Have a good weekend!


London Silicon Roundabout Group @techmeetupsLSR




Big Business meets Startup #TMUBBMS 

April 26, 2012, 3:00PM

Venue: Innovation Warehouse

Presenting: MongoBD


Tech Startup World Expo #TMUExpo 

April 26, 2012, 6:00 PM

Venue: Innovation Warehouse

Platinum Sponsor: MongoDB




Masterclass on Effective Marketing and PR #tmudigital 

May 24,2012, 3:00 PM




Digital Creativity Day #tmudigital 

May 24, 2012, 3:00 PM




10- Apr: Introduction to Startup Valuations 

10- Apr: Free talk: In The Brain of Ed Cortis 

10- Apr: London Ajax User Group Meetup: AMD in Depth 

10- Apr: London Ajax: AMD in Depth 

10- Apr: The Righteous Mind 

11- Apr: Attention-Seeking Techniques for Startups 

11- Apr: 2012: Dateline London 

11- Apr: Java, Spring and Scala 

11- Apr: In The Brain of Mike Amundsen: Essential Node.js for Web Developers 

11- Apr: Hub Lunch: Make it Co-operative

11- Apr: GLD EnergyBar April: Laurence Kemball-Cook @ Adam Street Club 

12- Apr: Demo & Pitch Night (compete for the best pitch title) & Network with Developers 

12-Apr: NOSQL and the effects of Big Data 

12- Apr: HCID Open Day 2012 

12- Apr: Information Design Conference 2012 

12- Apr: Eat & talk business 

12- Apr: LifeStyle Cafe Business Network 

12- Apr: The Mastermind Agency Dinner for Kick Ass Women Entrepreneurs 

13- Apr: London Real-Time 

13- Apr: The Inno-Tech Summit 

13- Apr: Next Generation Finance Consortium Open Forum 

13- Apr: Selling With Social Media

13- Apr: Mike Masnick: The Sky Is Rising! 




Google Campus opened by Chancellor George Osborne05 April

The UK will become the “technology centre of Europe”, Chancellor George Osborne has vowed.He was speaking at the opening of Google Campus, a new centre offering desk space and mentoring for technology companies.


Made In London:the capital’s boom in entrepreneurship05 April 

“The word ‘entrepreneur’ is used too much”, warns Preston Benson, the 31-year-old businessman who started earning his own money from the age of six, when he set up a street stall selling lemonade. He’s now commercial director of the real estate company Bursha Holdings, which has a portfolio worth about £60 million.


Super-fast broadband in London

could give city a £20 billion boost04 April

A report by Regneris Consulting featuring in a BT press release has provided some interesting statistics on how super-fast broadband roll-outs in London will benefit the capital.


Google Campus launch party 03 April

What do a rocket launch, Bompas and Parrand a visual interactive experience byonedotzero have in common? Well, we brought them all together on Tuesday night for the launch party of Google Campus, a unique co-working space in the heart of East London’s Silicon Roundabout.


Mobe hackathon contest spits out

Wi-Fi-by-bonk app wonder03 April 

Updated The weekend’s NFC hackathon turned out 17 working applications, 16 of which could just about have been done with barcodes, and one which will see two strangers going into business together.


Students win Telefónica start-up funding

in first NFC hackathon – 02 April

A team of students from London Metropolitan University and the London School of Communication Arts won one of the top prizes at the Isobar Create London Hackathon event at the Shoreditch Studios in Tech City this weekend.


News: LeWeb conference sets up a summer home in London02 April

The eighth LeWeb Conference held in Paris last December once again brought together over 3,500 business owners, entrepreneurs, investors, bloggers and tech enthusiasts from 76 countries to take part in Europe’s biggest event dedicated to the web industry.


[Info Graphic ] The Road to $5OO Million30 March 

Hiring entire teams online has already become a core business strategy for innovative companies, with a 120% increase in new businesses adopting this model in the last year alone; we predict that online employment will experience triple-digit growth in 2012.


Elance Surpasses $500 Million of Online Work30 March 

As the internet platform used by businesses to gain instant access to 1.4 million independent workers online, we’re excited to havesurpassed more than $500 million of online work on our platform. Elance’s growth is accelerating as more businesses build contingent workforces in the cloud, and more professionals market and deliver their services online.



We have also created subject specific Newspapers on Mobile AppsGamingStartupsCloud Computing, & London Silicon Roundabout 




Web Developer @ hungryfoolish (Part Time)

we are looking for a web developer with (ideally) both programming and design skills (we don’t exclude people who are specialized more on the back-end or on the front-end).  He/she should realize our prototype/first version of our website (HTML/CSS code + backend code which work on dummy data).  With the help of this person, whose responsibility will grow over time, we want to build our product, which will have an international target. What we have so far is the business plan, several potential clients interviews, the interface sketches (frameworks and user stories)


 If you have a job you would like to promote post it at TechStartupJobs




Connected: Alternative financing exists for startupsPost-Gazette


Inventing the CleanwebTechnology Review 


Start-Up Begins Operating Out Of SUNY?
Fredonia Technology Incubator


How We Fooled Ourselves
into Delaying Our Startup’s Launch


Tech incubator heating up investorsNYPost


Bootstrapped Startup Saves Over $100K By Dropping IETC


Startup Allows Students To Borrow From AlumniSocial Barrel 


Bootstrapped and Behind the WheelPortfolio 


In Support of the Start-up  – The Huffington Post 


T. Rowe Price Deepens Startup Bet With Investment in ODeskBloomberg  


April Fools 2012: We Ruin Every (Tech-Related) Joke On The Internets – TC


The Venture Relationship From The GP PerspectivePEHUB 



More Startup info at TechStartHub




EC1 Capital 

EC1 Capital is a £10m VC fund based in London that invests between £25k-£200k in early stage digital startups with solid teams showing tangible progression.



Kingsley Napley LLP is a London based and internationally recognised law firm with a specialist team advising technology companies on a range of legal issues



DataArt is a custom software development firm that builds advanced solutions for the financial services, healthcare, hospitality and other industries.


Jeffreys Henry LLP 

Based in the heart of Silicon Roundabout, Jeffreys Henry specialise in working with entrepreneurial technology and digital companies to startup, develop and grow.


For a limited time, Jeffreys Henry is offering free company formation and initial finance/accounting/tax advice to local technology/digital startups. Click here



Instant online staffing for your Business


Special deal for LSR members: Register today on Elance and receive $100 towards your first online hire to help you launch your business. Click here 



Radford has provided compensation market intelligence to the technology and life sciences industries.


HR Insight 

HR Insight is a London Silicon Roundabout based Human Resource & Employment law specialists


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