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Investigative Film Week/The Dhamma Brothers - This week in London

From: Keziah M.
Sent on: Monday, January 14, 2013, 10:28 PM

Dear all,

I thought I'd let you know of a couple of things going on in London this week in case they have escaped your notice and you'd like to go...

- First one is the Investigative Film Week 2013 running between 15th and 19th of this month - there are seven film screenings to choose from. Check it out here:

- Secondly one of our members kindly brought to my attention a screening of the documentary 'The Dhamma Brothers' on Sunday 20th Jan at 2pm. Here is some info about it: If you would be interested in going, please do contact Laura: (laura'at' or there is all the information about the film on her website (

Best wishes,
