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Stoicism Today (29/11): full schedule of talks and workshops now online

From: Jules E.
Sent on: Thursday, November 6, 2014, 12:35 PM

Dear LPC members,

The full schedule of our one-day event on Saturday 29 November - Stoicism Today - is now online.

Book your ticket through this link on eventbrite. The £15 ticket price includes lunch, coffee and tea. The price is to cover costs, we're not making any profit. This is a brilliant opportunity to explore the practice of ancient philosophy in modern life with some of the leading figures in the revival of modern Stoicism.

Here is the schedule:

Registration: 10 - 10.30 (Arts Two theatre, Queen Mary, University of London)

Start: 10.30 - 10.45: The Stoic revival (Jules Evans, author of Philosophy for Life, and Patrick Ussher, author of Stoicism Today)

First session: Discovering Stoic wisdom

10.45 - 11.05:  Stoic ethics: how to relate wisely to others (Professor Christopher Gill, Exeter University)

11.05 - 11.25: Are Stoics completely dispassionate? (Dr John Sellars, KCL, author of Stoicism)

11.25 - 11.35: audience Q&A with Chris and John

11.35 - 11.45 - How Stoicism helped me: two personal accounts

11.45 - 12.00 - break / discussion among audience members: how has Stoicism helped you?

Second session: Putting Stoicism into practice today

12 - 12.20: Stoicism in schools, prisons, the army and business (Jules Evans; Nikki Cameron, HMP Low Moss; Mark Hardie, former Marine, resilience coach; Gill Garrett, author Stoicism for work)

12.20 - 12.30: Stoicism courses online (Donald Robertson, author of Teach Yourself Stoicism)

12.30 - 12.40: The evidence base for Stoic therapy (Tim LeBon, author of Wise Therapy)

12.40 - 1pm Q&A / panel with Jules, Nikki, Mark, Gill, Donald and Tim

Lunch break (1-2): Lunch will be included in the ticket price and provided at the event

Workshops will be repeated, so delegates can choose two.

First workshop session 2-3pm:

Christopher Gill: Stoicism, nature and the environment

Patrick Ussher and Gabriele Galluzzio: Cultivating a wise relationship with technology

Gill Garrett: Stoicism at work

Jules Evans: Lives transformed: personal accounts of Stoic healing

Tim LeBon: Guided Stoic meditation

Donald Robertson: Stoicism and love

John Sellars: Doing the right thing: Stoic ethics under pressure

Tea/coffee break:[masked] pm

Second workshop session:[masked] pm

The workshops from the first session will be repeated so delegates can visit another workshop

Concluding plenary discussion:[masked]:

[masked]: Why we need Greek wisdom today (Professor Angie Hobbs)

[masked] - 5.30: Concluding panel discussion (Angie Hobbs and the Stoicism Today team)

You can watch a video of last year's event here:

The event is part of Stoic Week 2014, which people are taking part in around the world. We're producing a week-long exercise called Live Like A Stoic, which you can take part in here:

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