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Last event of the year this evening - come along!

From: Jules E.
Sent on: Thursday, December 4, 2014, 10:16 AM

Dear all,

We hope you've enjoyed the London Philosophy Club's events this year, which have included Simon Blackburn, Kenan Malik, Casper Henderson, Edward Slingerland, John Cottingham, Rupert Sheldrake and others, as well as our very popular reading group.

This evening is our last event of the year, and we have a really amazing speaker - Malcolm Guite, who is a poet, priest, philosopher and punk-rocker. He's talking about JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis and their radical ideas about myth and the imagination. Malcolm is one of the most interesting people I've met in the last couple of years, so I really encourage you to come along to St Matthew's Westminster this evening at 7pm. Here's an interview I did with him, on poetry and art as a window to transcendence:

Thanks to all 300 of you who came to our big Stoicism conference on Saturday - the biggest thing we've ever organized! If you took part in Stoic Week, please remember to fill in the questionnaires, it means we are more likely to get funding next year to do it again:

That blog ( is the best way to keep in touch about the project.

If we don't see you this evening, have a great Christmas and see you in 2014.
