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Cities of the Dead ... a zombie anthology

From: William Y.
Sent on: Friday, October 21, 2011, 8:51 AM

Hello all!


Sorry to have missed you this month at the meetup, but I was sheetrocking my future kitchen and had to bail at the last minute.


The second story in my zombie anthology is now out, and you can get a complimentary copy at Smashwords by using coupon code xu78v at checkout - all eBook reader formats are supported, as well as .pdf and .html options (Amazon Kindle official page here, but you can get a Kindle copy at Smashwords). Some of you might remember it from a critique session earlier this year, and now you can find out how it ends!


Spread that link around on your facebook page, Twitter account, or blog and help an indie writer make a hint of a scratch of a dent in the publishing world.


Any feedback on the story is greatly appreciated!


Another story next Friday, and I hope to see you next month at Michael's.


more later
