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Dog walker needed Columbus weekend - will pay in meat

From: Jeanne D.
Sent on: Thursday, September 13, 2012, 6:49 PM

Hello Everyone,

This is a random request. But, I figured this is a great place to find someone.

I"m going away Columbus Day weekend and I'm looking for someone to look after my dogs.

They are 2 adorable Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Eddie & Miles.  They need to be walked 3x per day and fed.  They are pretty low maintenance other than that.  They are older -- 8 years old and they are great with other pets and kids.

If you are interested,  I'll pay you in meat and/or cash.  You can either come here to take care of them, or they can stay at your place.  They are well traveled -- so they usually adjust to new places within a day.

Email me at [address removed] if you are interested.  I'll be away from Thursday evening to Monday evening, October 4-8th.




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