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Raffle for Disney Tickets!

From: KMC South C.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 16, 2011, 11:58 AM

Hey everyone!


In conjunction with Ganden Center's Annual Fundraiser Dinner, we are having a raffle for


Four (4) Walt Disney World One-day passes ($544 value!) to one of the

Magic Kingdom Park, Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios or Disney's Animal Kingdom 

(Expires April 1, 2013)

All proceeds from our raffle will go towards Ganden Buddhist Center's Building Fund.  We are currently pursuing the purchase of a new building that will allow room for growth, handicap access, better parking and better location and we need your help!  
Please check out the right side of our webpage for a link where you can purchase raffle tickets online. 
The winner will be drawn on Sunday, September 18 at Ganden Center's annual fundraiser dinner at Rosso Italian Restaurant in Trenholm Plaza!  You do not have to be present to win.
Please feel free to forward this email and share with all your friends, family and co-workers that would be interested in getting a great deal on Disney tickets and also helping out a wonderful organization.
Please contact me if you have any questions or wish to purchase tickets but do not wish to do so via the internet.  Thanks very much! - Jenn