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New Meetup: Memorial Day Yoga on the beach with Jiwan Kaur

From: Rev Adriana Hari Gobind Kaur J.
Sent on: Saturday, May 29, 2010, 2:35 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Meditation & Yoga!

What: Memorial Day Yoga on the beach with Jiwan Kaur

When: Monday, May 31,[masked]:00 AM

Behind Hollywood Cultural Arts center on the beach
1301 S Ocean Dr
Hollywood, FL 33019

Come join us at the beach for a divine early morning kundalini yoga class

MONDAY, MAY 31st 7AM - 8AM
Hollywood beach behind the arts and cultural center 1301 S Ocean Dr
(same location as full moon meditations)

Donations will help fund the BA football meals after their games

We will also take time to bless our earth and ocean so we may help to uplift and heal all that has been so drastically dumped into our sacred waters and living animals and people who have suffered as a result.....our prayers and chants can transform more than you can imagine.. so open your hearts, bring your towels and water and rise early to embrace the divinity of your souls and shine the light unto all.
with love and blessings.

* if rain class will be canceled

any questions please contact Jiwan:

Learn more here:

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