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Game Day at the Source (Oct 7th, 2012)

From: Jon L.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 8:31 AM

Pathfinder Society Special: Year of the Shadow Lodge
A Pathfinder Society Special designed for Levels 1–11.

When a famous Pathfinder returns to the Gsrand Lodge in Absalom with a long sought after Azlanti artifact of power, the Society celebrates the achievement by throwing a massive party in Absalom's arena. When the artifact is stolen during the party, it's up to you and the other bands of Pathfinders present at the celebration to get it back before it can be used to destroy the Grand Lodge—or worse.

Written by Tim Hitchcock.

This is an unique event and considered a special. This involves a coordinated effort between 5-7 GM's and an overseer GM that runs the entire event. It is timed for the most part and makes for an unique scenario and in my opinion a fun one too! :)


Please make sure in either your RSVP or Comments section what LEVEL and CLASS you are playing.. please :)

This way I can put together tables before hand and get things going as fast as possible for everyone. :)

Thank you all. This is important as it lets everyone know what level they can bring too.

About this Game Day:

This is an announcement for a locally scheduled game day Sunday at The Source in Falcon Heights, Minnesota. We try to schedule one to two low-tier tables and one higher-tier table is starting up for the regulars. Games last five hours (scheduled to end at 6:00) and the GMs arrive an hour early for set-up and questions. We cater to new players and experienced Pathfinders alike, both young and old. All of our members are fantastic and display a true love for the game.

We offer a friendly environment to meet new players and to experience the fun of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game with other fans. As a family friendly group we encourage families to join the fun as well. It should be noted that although Pathfinder Society adventures are written with a PG-13 rating in mind, we place no age restriction on play (children under the age of 13 are expected to have parent or guardian supervision during the games). We look forward to seeing you

This Game Day at The Source is hosted by Jon Lamkin

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