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5K Fun Run - Saturday 5/9

From: Damon
Sent on: Monday, May 4, 2015, 2:53 PM

Hey gang. Just wanted to share a 5K for all you runners out there. Your's truly is hosting the 7th Annual Shoney's 5K Fun Run & Walk. 100% proceeds go to the Metro Nashville Police Department.

There are over $1500 in prizes, including $500 each to the top overall male and female. In addition, there are prizes for the top male and female in 8 different age categories!

We will have live music after the race, along with a full Shoney's breakfast buffet, face painter, balloon artists, bounce house, and all the police "toys" will be on display (SWAT and Bomb vehicles, helicopters, cruisers, motorcycles, horses and more...)

You get a pretty cool swag bag filled with stuff along with a t-shirt. Registration is only $30, goes up to $35 on race day. Discounts are available for teams. Kids $10 and under run FREE and all Metro Nashville Students only pay $5! This is a great group, friend, or family event. Hope you guys can check it out!

More information at
