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New events for July! 4th of July hike to see the fireworks and Adirondack Trips

From: Group A.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 8:17 PM
Hi Hiking and Nature Members,

We have a couple of new events posted for July!

First and foremost, Liz is organizing a July 4th hike from Bear Mountain to Dunderberg where members can join in a pot-luck dinner and watch the fireworks across the river. We went last year, and its a great way to see some fireworks without the crowds and choas of the 4th of July in the city.
More info and RSVPs: Bear Mountain & Dunderberg Hike and Picnic
Drivers wanted! (We will cover all your gas and tolls)

Andre is organizing a trip to the Adirondacks on July 17th. There is an backpacking option and a car camping option for this trip. Both are advanced trips - we'll be hitting multiple peaks, covering lots of ground, and doing some difficult scrambling. If both options end up being popular, one will be moved to the weekend of the 11th.
Checkout the Backpacking Option
Take a look at the Car Camping Option
Drivers Wanted for Both Trips! (We will cover all your gas and tolls)

If anyone is interested in the backpacking trip but isn't an experienced backpacker, consider joining Andre on his Intro Backpacking Trip in Harriman this weekend.

See you on the trails!