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Hiking and Camping in the Adirondacks - Drivers Wanted! - Advanced Trip

Photo of Group Administrator
Hosted By
Group A.
Hiking and Camping in the Adirondacks - Drivers Wanted! - Advanced Trip


Contact Andre, your Assistant Organizer, about this trip.

We need drivers! Please RSVP and note that you have a car. (This is a car camping trip.)


The Hikes:
We'll be climbing Gothics (4736'), Saddleback (4516') and Basin (4827') on Saturday. That will be a long 16 mile day, with lots of elevation gain and long difficult scrambles. We'll probably finish well after dark - we returned to the car at 10pm and 11pm on two similar trips.

Be Advised: This trip includes some of the most rugged and difficult terrain in the Adirondacks, with miles of difficult scrambling up and down bare rocks. Your safety is your own responsibility. The organizer will provide some guidelines for gear and information about the route, but it is your responsibility to determine if have the experience, physical ability, and correct equipment for this trip.

The Rough Plan:
Friday: Leave the city no later then 6pm. Drive 4 or 5 hours to the campground. We'll be car camping at a nice campground half an hour from the trail head. It has showers.

Saturday: We'll get up at about 7am and put in a long, difficult day of hiking, returning well after dark.

Sunday: Brunch at a local diner and maybe a short but very steep hike up a nice little peak. We'll plan to be on the road by 3pm and back in the city by 8pm.

How to Get a Spot:

  • Anyone who is interested can add themselves to the waiting list. Andre will get in touch with interested people in early July.
  • An important note about previous experience: You'll be shown a page of questions after you RSVP. You must give specifics about your previous experience with long, strenuous hikes. Be honest about your ability. Andre can often find a way to accommodate different experience levels by splitting the group in two, setting early turn back points, etc, but those plans need to be made in advance. (Andre assumes those who don't answer are too inexperienced for the trip and dangerously bad at following directions as well.)

Drivers Wanted! - We will reimburse you for all gas and tolls, including your share.

If we're short on drivers, we'll rent a mini-van.

Friday - stop for dinner on the way up.

Saturday - quick breakfast at the campsite, bring your own lunch, snacks, and trail dinner. We might have a 2nd dinner or late night snack at the campsite.

Sunday - Breakfast at the a local diner. Bring your own lunch. Dinner on the road or back in NYC.

Required Gear:
-sleeping pad and sleeping bag suitable for the 40s at night.
-Waterproof Boots (no trails shoes of any kind)
-All the standard hiking and camping gear (a complete list will be sent out to participants)
-For Saturday, you'll need lunch, trail dinner (basically a 2nd lunch), and snacks for the trail

Please note in your RSVP if you have:
-A tent and how many it sleeps (we need tent space for all people, we generally have enough)
-A camping stove - I'd like a second one to boil water for breakfast.
-A Car!

$50 to $150, depending mostly on if we rent a van or not.

Average hi/low: 80/50F

Photo of NYC Hiking And Nature Meetup group
NYC Hiking And Nature Meetup
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