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Mega Meetup Picnic is tomorrow!!!

From: Susanne
Sent on: Friday, September 28, 2007, 10:26 AM
Dear Hikers,

this event is going to be BIG! is organizing a Picnic in Prospect Park and EVERYONE on Meetup is invited! It is in celebration of Meetup's 5th Anniversary! About one thousand Meetup members are expected. And the weather forecast looks really good :-)

This is a great opportunity to meet your fellow hikers, meet lots of people from other Meetups, find new Meetup groups, and win new members for our Meetup. Please come!

There will be food vendors, live music, and all kinds of Meetups representing the amazing diversity of community New York has to offer. Many people are planning to bring food.

Please update your RSVP here:

I am going to email my cell phone number this afternoon to everyone who is signed up as Yes or Maybe by then.

Details, including how to find the picnic and how to find us, are here.

Hope to see you there,

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