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weekly update, Hiking & Nature Meetup

From: Susanne
Sent on: Wednesday, September 26, 2007, 11:44 PM
Dear Hiking & Nature Meetup member,

I just approved our 250th member on Monday. A quarter thousand members!

the weather is going to be beautiful again. 72 degrees, sunny, 10% chance of rain. Do you need any other reason to get out there? Hope you can join our group on one or even both of these events:
  • On Saturday, we are going to the Mega Meetup picnic. This is a huge picnic in Prospect Park that is organized by itself and is going to be attended by perhaps a thousand meetup members. It is going to be a great opportunity to meet many Meetup groups and their organizers, as well as scores of fellow Meetup members. Andre and I are planning to pitch a tent. Please come by and hang out with us and other Hiking & Nature Meetup members. Please read the details and update your RSVP here.
  • On Sunday, we are going to do a hike to Dunderberg mountain and Bear mountain. Since so many people want to come, Andre and I decided that we are going to have two groups, so that we can take up to 40 people. I?m still busy trying to figure out how we could get this many people to the trailhead, because we can?t put them all on the public bus, but if you are interested in this hike, please do get on the waiting list by RSVPing with No and writing ?waiting list? in the RSVP window. If you are willing to take Metro North to Mamaroneck or the A subway to 175th street, so that Diana, Melody, David J. or Alvaro could pick you up and give you a ride, this would greatly enhance your chances of getting a spot for this hike, so write that in your RSVP. If you have a car and are willing to give people a ride, please let me know. Cost for the bus is $26.70, meetup fee is $5. Please read the details and update your RSVP here.
was fantastic.
  • On Saturday, we went rock scrambling in Mohonk. We had only 10 minutes of rain, most of which we spent in the Visitor Center buying ponchos, which we never got to use. The scramble was challenging and so much fun, I think everyone really enjoyed it. After the scramble, 8 of us had dinner in the Harvest Caf? in New Paltz. We ate on their balcony outside, the food was pretty good, and they had sparkling peach beer that tasted very good, believe it or not. You can see my photos here and Rick?s photos here
    On the way home, we got stuck for an hour in front of the GW bridge because they had narrowed it down to one lane to redo the asphalt! Argh. I got home at 1am, went to bed at 3am, didn?t hear my alarm clock at 6:30, woke up at 7:10 and came a bit later than I wanted to meet the next group at Penn Station.
  • On Sunday, we hiked from Tuxedo to Lake Skenonto, where we swam, tarzaned into the lake with a rope, and suntanned on a tiny island. The water wasn?t as warm as we would have liked, but warm enough to swim, and the weather was just gorgeous, the best September weather you can imagine. Afterwards, we grilled sausages and made S?mores over a campfire before hiking back to Tuxedo on a different route. We arrived at the train station 15 minutes before the train left ? perfect timing as usual :-) You can see my Photos here and Syl?s photos here.
Speaking of photos: please check out the new and improved About Us page, I?ve put a lot of photos from this weekend on it.

I might organize a hike for Sunday October 7 (the day before Columbus Day), but I won?t decide that until Monday or Tuesday. If and when I decide to do a hike, I?ll send out an email announcement, of course.

And please do RSVP for our Halloween party on October 26. It?s going to be at Taj, with about 300 people from other Meetup groups. So far, I?ve already got 51 Yes and 16 Maybe RSVPs. Thank you for the early RSVPs, that's very helpful. Time to start thinking about your costume :-)

Thanks for reading,

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