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A week in FinTech - 5th August 2017

From: Eddie G.
Sent on: Saturday, August 5, 2017, 2:49 PM
A week in FinTech - 5th August 2017

You may subscribe to this newsletter by joining the NewFinance London Meetup, and unsubscribe by changing your notification settings on your Meetup account. You may view this and past mailers on the web here.

Hi Everyone,

1. Upcoming Event: NewFinance October FinTech Open Mic Night, Tuesday, October 24, 6pm-9pm, Browne Jacobson

Please join us for our monthly mixture of presentations, skype-ins, fireside chats and shout-outs plus plenty of networking.

This monthly session is designed to provide an opportunity to catch up with your peers, to see what's going on in the London and International FinTech scenes and to tell us all about yourself and your own work.

*** Please message us if you'd like to pitch ***

2. FinTech Incubator: Yodlee Incubator is a 6-month program for developers, innovators, and entrepreneurs to launch disruptive products that leverage transactional financial data.

This is your chance to develop your vision or prototype by tapping into Yodlee’s award winning platform, technical support, mentorship, guidance, and exclusive membership in the broader Yodlee ecosystem. No need to move, and don’t give up any equity.

Applications close Aug. 31 for the cohort beginning December 2017. Sign up here

3. FinTech Fundraisers

(Please email me for more information on fundraising)

If you’re crowdfunding Seed and need  a ready-made highly targeted FinTech network to market your campaign to, please ping me, we have 12K+ Members globally

If you’re raising Series A and want to reach our global network of highly targeted 500+ Investors then we have a concierge introductory service to our VIP Investor list

If you’re a FinTech Investor and want Free curated FinTech pipeline pls email me with your details and let’s discuss the type of companies you’re looking for and put you on our VIP list

3.1 Financing Opportunity: Cityzenith $1.5 million +

Cityzenith is a 15-person software company based in Chicago and London that was created to disrupt the $20 billion AEC software industry and the $30 billion GIS/geospatial analytics industry, both at the same time. From the creators of Google EarthTM and Eve On-LineTM, an Aecom Spatial Data Director, and a Sequoia-Capital backed BIM services company, our revolutionary SaaS data platform, Smart WorldTM, launched on May 3rd, and already leading AEC firms Foster & Partners, W.S. Atkins, and Aecom have become commercial users right after launch.

 We are raising $1.5+ million (minimum) in the end of $5.5 Series AA round. We have raised $4 million already from some great investors in the UK as we are EIS compliant, and now that we have launched and have some great early traction it’s time to close the round and scale.

Click here for a video summary of the investment opportunity and here for a summary of the highlights from the recent product launch on May 3rd

For Investor enquiries please contact: CEO Michael Jansen m.jansen[at]

4. Member Services Offered (Ads)

(none this week)

5. NewFinance Benefits and Services Offered

Aka leveraging the NewFinance network for yourself and your organisation, please email me if you would like access to these services, but please bear in mind that we curate for quality and relevance so not all requests are accepted

In addition to our Free & NFP Benefits to Members which are:

·       Free Membership

·       Regular cover charge only networking and showcasing Events, Free for Start-ups to pitch at

·       Weekly News including:

·       Free reach-outs for Jobseekers and Seed-stage FinTech Start-ups

·       Free job ads for Seed-stage FinTech Start-ups

·       Free Visitor Introductions for all

·       Our extensive YouTube video library at: YouTube

·       Free Video production for Start-ups pitching at events, we might even do a special for free if we like your stuff

·       In-house and external Research

·       And pls hustle me if you have a good idea…

We also have a range of Commercial Services:

·       Promotional Campaigns for Accelerators, Incubators, programmes etc…

·       Funding Partner – helping Seed and Series A/B Companies raise capital

·       FinTech Engagement Strategy – we’ll help you create one

·       FinTech Economic Development – use our global network to promote your City

·       Sponsorship cf. brand building

·       Strategic Partnerships

·       Consultancy – anything you can think of FinTech, we have more Expert Associates than anyone

·       Sales Partner – finding clients for you

·       Recruitment Partner – finding talent for you

·       Bespoke Events – using our team and logistics, we’ve run 100’s literally

·       Media Production – any form of Video/Audio production at any level including Broadcast (ping me for our show reel)

6. Interesting news items that caught my eye this week…
I often post articles @eddiegeorge during the week if you'd like a sneak peak, and pls feel free to suggest new areas to explore as we develop our news service further

·       3 Reasons Why the Finance Industry Needs VR - The finance industry is one of the most data-driven trades, and by visualizing and analyzing data in VR, early adopters can get a leg up on the competition

·       Evolving For Symbiosis: Rethinking The Bank-Fintech Puzzle - The first obstacle to partnership is a cultural disconnect.

·       Fintech in Iran: An Overview - the country’s central bank, financial institutions and government agencies are taking steps to make Tehran a regional hub for financial innovation

·       Fintech Buys Stake in Exchange – it’s usually the other way around !?

7. Visitors

·       Chen Cohen, Founder and CEO of SensePass a "Bank transformation Technologies" company will be visiting London from August 6th to 9th and is looking for partners for his UK/EU expansion;  Contact: chen[at], koby[at]

8. Reach-outs for FinTechs

(none this week)

9. Talent

We offer free ads to individuals to help them find new roles and to Seed Stage FinTechs to help them find talent; and we have competitively priced options for everyone else, please email me for more information.

Companies looking for talent:

·       NETZ, currently disrupting the financial services market with a high-tech prospecting and client intelligence engine, is looking for a Digital Marketing Manager with a strong focus on email marketing. Please email frank[at]

·       ipushpull, a fast growing FinTech, is looking for a sales and marketing to start as soon as possible. Based in the London office you will help support the B2B web sales and web marketing team. Please send CVs to jobs[at] along with a brief description why you are the best person for the role

Individuals looking for a new role:

·       Alexander Bohane, is a 16 year old who just finished his GCSEs. He plans to study engineering at University and would be very interested in spending a week in a firm to learn about the day to day management of a business and observe the functioning of a workplace. He is a member of the LTA and plays in the A squad at Campden Hill Tennis Club. Last year, he had the chance to have one week of work experience at the club. He is available: w/c 10th July for 5 days and w/c 14th Aug for 5 days. Contact: Asli Bohane abohane[at]


If you have any news to share with the group please send your requests to me by close on Fridays.
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