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Special Bulletin: Financing Opportunity: Cityzenith now down to $1.0 million ($500k just committed)

From: Eddie G.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 9, 2017, 9:17 AM
Heads up Investors, another $500k has been taken, CityZenith are now down to
raising their last $1million out of $5.5million

Excellent Founder (Yale and Cambridge), traction i.e have product, customers
and revenues, ready to scale, unique product, ticks all the boxes, blurb

For Professional Investor enquiries please contact: CEO Michael Jansen
[address removed] 

Information from Michael about his company:

Cityzenith is a 15-person software company based in Chicago and London that
was created to disrupt the $20 billion AEC software industry and the $30
billion GIS/geospatial analytics industry, both at the same time. From the
creators of Google EarthTM and Eve On-LineTM, an Aecom Spatial Data
Director, and a Sequoia-Capital backed BIM services company, our
revolutionary SaaS data platform, Smart WorldTM, launched on May 3rd, and
already leading AEC firms Foster & Partners, W.S. Atkins, and Aecom have
become commercial users right after launch.
We are raising $5+ million (minimum) in a new Series B round. We are open to
that number creeping up to $10 million if that makes sense for the parties
as we surely want to scale fast now that we have launched and have some
great early traction.
For a summary of the investment opportunity narrated by me, Cityzenith CEO
Michael Jansen, click on the following image to see the 3-minute pitch video
<;­ .
 For a summary of the highlights from the recent product launch on May 3rd,
click on the following image:
Here's our story:
Dominated for many years by a monopoly of "fat and happy" software companies
promoting proprietary, incumbent technologies while incrementally
add-servicing customers without driving real value, the AEC and GIS
industries are ripe for disruption. Lines drawn in the sand by the big AEC
and GIS players (ESRI, Autodesk, Dassault, Bentley, et. al.) have left
architects, engineers, and planners the world over with a pile of expert
tools that do not interoperate with each other and are difficult to use,
impeding project workflow efficiency, access to information, and analysis
and reporting. The incumbents benefit from perpetuating these inefficiencies
at the expense of the user. The AEC industry today is like the taxi cab
industry of the last decade and it needs an Uber. We think that's us.
With the help of the creator of Google Earth, we designed our award-winning
-estate[masked].html­>  Smart World software platform to put its stake down
smack dab in the middle of the fragmented AEC/CAD/GIS/Smart City/IoT
ecosystem as the "super glue" that pulls it all together in one place,
reducing/eliminating­ dependency on legacy desktop tools while providing
unfettered access to newer, better open tools everywhere. Unlike AEC and GIS
solutions, Smart World is incredibly intuitive and easy-to-use, web-based,
and open. The media is calling us "SimCity for Real Cities" and "Minecraft
for Architects". Users drag and drop their 3D BIM project models into our
content-rich 3D city model environments right in their own web browsers, and
can find any data, run any analysis, and collaborate with any team members
anywhere in the world in real-time.
Our 6-month Beta Program
ies[masked].html>­  attracted many of the largest AEC firms in the world,
many of whom are now becoming customers-Aecom (94,000), WSP-Parsons
Brinckerhoff (34,000), SOM (2,000), HOK (4,000), Gensler (5,000), Surbana
Jurong (5,000) , W.S. Atkins (18,000), et. al. Customers are raving about
the product, and starting to buy right out of the Beta. Our clients design
and build the world, and we have identified a market of 2,000,000
subscribers in the AEC sector alone. At 100,000+ subscribers we are probably
a $1/2- 1 billion company. Aecom alone has 94,000 employees.
For a look at Smart World, see the following videos:
1.	New features:­
2.	Speaker highlights from launch:­
3.	CTO product demo:­
Here is a brief description of 2 use cases:
1.	Foster & Partners will leverage Smart World's extensive capabilities
"to visualize multiple data sets and geometry models as layers using a
single city model - creating relationships between design alternates and
resultant urban impacts - using overlays and color by value."
2.	The focus of these initial projects for W.S. Atkins will be to
leverage Smart World's ability to import, analyze, create, share, and
present both city and project data. Users will be looking to get up and
running quickly, import geo-located files with ease, ask any question of a
project or its data, and share results intuitively with non-technical
The opportunity: if we do this, we would turn the 50-year-old GIS industry
and the 40-year old CAD/BIM industry on their heads. If we do it, we do it
big, at a huge scale all at once- give away the platform/model for free to
each city government/governmen­t user to destabilize the chokehold that GIS
has on cities, make it open source to chop off GIS/BIM incumbent life lines
to the city, and charge all the commercial users in the cities affordably
incremental rates to tap back into a much improved quality of service,
starting the with architects and engineers, until they are all ours and we
have 100's of thousands of users. And we can do this within 3-4 years. After
AEC, we have real estate, security, transport, insurance, and telecom
sectors, too.
I am an architect by training from Yale and Cambridge. In 2004 I founded an
AEC BIM/CAD services company that grew from[masked] employees in 4 years and
attracted money from Sequoia Capital (see clip from CNN
<https://www.youtub...;­ ). I am a respected innovator
in the AEC space, know it extremely well, and know what it needs. I have an
amazing team around me, and also have the high-level AEC firm connections
the world over to make sure we win, win fast, and win big. I lived half my
life in the West and half of it in the East and have traveled to more than
90 countries and 1,000 cities over my career in the AEC industry. I can do
this, and am looking for someone to support us who dreams as big as we do.


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