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Software Freedom Day

From: Bart L.
Sent on: Thursday, August 6, 2015, 3:31 PM
I thought I sent this yesterday; it seems to have gotten lost in transit

I described Software Freedom Day to the Bergen County Makerspace, and 
they are definitely interested in hosting it, especially in partnership 
with us.

Software Freedom Day is on Saturday, September 19, 2015 (and will not be 
interfering with Maker Faire).

Who has the paraphernalia? And is anybody interested in helping out? It 
will be mainly showing Linux and other free software to people coming 
in, and handing out CD's. You can bring your own device, but they have 
several computers and laptops. So far, it looks like Valo-CD is still 
the best free software collection, even if it is a couple of years out 
of date (and I would NOT recommend VUZE as a bittorrent client without 
warning users to just say "no" to companion software).

We will be advertising via both groups (theirs and ours), 
Facebook, and whatever else we can think of.

Here's the Bergen County Makerspace meetup group: 
And here's their website: https://bergenmake...­


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