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Software Freedom Day

From: Bart L.
Sent on: Monday, August 10, 2015, 11:15 AM
If I don't get any responses by Wednesday, I'm going to tell the people 
at Bergen Makerspace, "No Go". If you have emailed me at this address 
already, try [address removed].

I might have considered just doing it anyway, and hoping that people 
might show up, but I have a minor schedule conflict (meaning that I have 
a choice of either not getting there before 2:30 PM, not a big deal, 
having to leave by 4 PM, a much bigger deal, or having to take two hours 
away some starting from 1:30 to 4). While the first option is the 
easiest, I still wouldn't have the signage and things.

If you are interested in helping out, but can't commit 100%, let me 
know, too, and what are the factors involved (like, "I can come, but 
only for an hour or two", or, "There's a 20% chance I can make it". If I 
have enough "maybe's" that the odds are good, I'll take the chance.


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