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Wat we doen

Welcome at the Meetup-page of the Group for Internatianol Travelers and locals in Amsterdam

Who is organizing the meetup?
We are Sandor and Kaan (occasionally supported by ......??) your organizing team.
Every (other) week we enthusiastically organize a social event for Locals (Dutchies, locals, expats) and Travelers.

Why you ask? We love meeting new people, connection, and making it possible for other people to connection to each other. This can be a meeting at a bar, at a picknick or during a hike or something else.

What is the history of the meeting?
Originally this meeting was created on the Couchsurfing.
But why stop there?
Good question, we asked ourselves the same question. This brings us to this page, by also reaching out to people trough MeetUp we hope to reach even more people; more connections, more fun.

What is next!?
I hear you think, "Say no more, this sounds awesome! I'll be at the meeting, but how do I find you?"
When in doubt, check this app or our whatsapp group.
We hope to you see you at the next meeting!

Sandor on behalf of the organizing team.

Aankomende evenementen (4+)

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