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Wat we doen

Time of meetings are Eastern Standard Time (e.g Ottawa, Toronto, New York City).

Firstly, for anyone who would be anxious to speak or be seen. You are welcome to join the zoom session with your microphone muted and camera off so you can watch and listen to us but we can’t hear or see you. You could use the text chat function to say things if you are comfortable with that. Many people do. Your camera will likely turn on when you join a meeting. If you do not wish to be seen you should cover your camera lens before you join and then turn it off.

The group is to provide socializing, networking and mentoring for:
1. People on the spectrum,
2. Their relatives/partners,
3. Anyone with any of the ASD characteristics,
4. Anyone who is interested in learning more about ASD.

Anyone is welcome as long as they show respect and sensitivity to the others. People are welcome to discuss the good and bad experiences they have had in various organizations (including religious, political, health or education) but I will stop any conversations that I consider are likely to become highly polarized or likely upsetting to some members (Typically about religion, politics or related topics/groups).

At each meeting:

1. I try to ask all first timers if/when they were diagnosed and which part of the world they live. If they wish to stay muted with their camera off I am ok with that.

2. I then ask everyone to chat about whatever comes to mind. I generally just listen and do not guide, manage or mediate the conversation except for:

2.1 Controversial topics,
2.2 Lack of respect
2.3 Lack of sensitivity or
2.4 Someone hogging the conversation and not letting others speak.

I have only had to intervene once in the past 70+ meetings.

Anyone is welcome. You do not need to be diagnosed. You do not need to be on the spectrum or have any of the characteristics of the spectrum. You may wish to attend because of:

1. Interest in learning more about and meeting people on the spectrum,
2. Social anxiety,
3. Difficulty communicating with most people,
4. Difficulty making/keeping friends,
5. A passionate interest which other people think you talk too much about.

2. to 5. are common for people on the spectrum. If you have any of these, but are not on the spectrum, you could still benefit from the same coping mechanisms that people on the spectrum use.

I assume:

Socializing (Thu evenings weekly) will mostly be used by people on the spectrum. Relatives/partners could provide assistance and monitoring for their loved ones.

You may meet someone you feel very comfortable with whom you could discuss more personal issues outside the group.

One member has created a chat room so members can chat 24/7.

Online events are open to people outside the Ottawa area.

At present more than half of people attending are in the USA from multiple states.  Most of the rest are in various provinces across Canada. We have had visitors from Japan and the UK.

The age is mostly 25 to 35, some younger, some older. With one exception, I am the oldest at 69. The differences because of our ages and functioning are small compared to our common interest of talking to others who understand and are not judgemental.

I self diagnosed as an adult and have no qualifications for helping people on the spectrum.

The meetup link for online meetings will take you to a google document which contains the zoom meeting links. I've done this so the connect to zoom by phone number information is available for those who wish to connect by phone.

I have started making notes on Asperger's with links to resources at

I hope there will be suitably qualified people who will join the group.

One of our members has started a Youtube channel. You can visit it at

Aankomende evenementen (4+)

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