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Wat we doen

Hallo allemaal. I’m so exited to finally share that we have something special prepared for you. This May, Zac Retz will be in The Netherlands to teach 2 workshops - one digital and the other urban plein air.

Learn from Zac Retz, an Oscar-winning art director and visual development artist who specializes in animated movies. He works for industry giants like Disney, Sony, DreamWorks, and Netflix.

It was super important for us to create more than just lessons but also an artistic vacation for participants.  So, we'll be together not only in a classroom but explore museums, take a ferry, do a little hike, and, of course, visit a couple of bars. Check the program on the website, and come join us! Cheers!

Early bird tickets available now  - €450!
Register before April 15 to save €50 and be the first to reserve a seat at Zac’s workshops.