Wat we doen
- Amsterdam Internationals -
"Amsterdam Internationals" is all about an international mindset! It makes no difference at all if you are a local or new in town - the main thing this group is all about.... Is being international together.
In this Meetup, everything is international and also: nice, easy and social! Our meetups in the city will take you to the most cozy bars and restaurants, this for seeing trusted faces and for meeting new people every time - and all the time. Also, once in a while we leave town for nice daytrips to great places close to Amsterdam.
All this for these very reasons: for doing the kind of things you allways wanted to do, just not alone, for fun, for new discoveries and for meeting new people.
Joining this group is a very good step forward on your road to meeting the most fun friends around :)
- "This looks prommising and I think I like this" -
Well, if so don't hesistate - and just sign up for your new meetup group :)