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New Meetup: Weekday Adventure on Lower Tiger Mtn.

From: James S.
Sent on: Sunday, December 6, 2009, 9:01 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Eastside Hikers Meetup Group!

What: Weekday Adventure on Lower Tiger Mtn.

When: December 10,[masked]:00 AM

High Point Trailhead Tiger Mountain
26414 SE 79th St
Issaquah, WA 98027

Caves, Waterfalls, Mini moss-covered rock canyons, lakes and a swamp boardwalk - This easy "Frankenstien" hike is a great little adventure for a Thursday morning.

We will start by by heading up the West Tiger Vista 3 Trail, about 3/4 of a mile up we scoot west to the Tallus Rocks area, then take the Nook Tail down to the Bus Trail, then a series of quick trail changes brings us around Tradition Lake to the newly renovated Big Tree Loop Trail, next it's the Swamp Trail and finally back to the parking area.

All of this will take us through some of the most beautiful areas on the lower northern slopes of Tiger Mountain.

The total distance is something like 4 miles (give or take). The elevation gain is less than 800 feet with a difficulty level of Easy. Since it is short and easy, we will travel at a brisk but casual pace (I am more interested in the company than the completion time).

We will begin hiking at 9:09AM sharp (unless I get a call from a lost driver). We should easily be back at the cars by noon.

Cool dogs are welcome.

The trail head is at the popular High Point area just outside of Issaquah

- TAKE I-90 East past Issaquah
- GET OFF at Exit 20 (Labeled "High Point")
- At the end of the ramp TURN RIGHT.
- TAKE the next RIGHT TURN (its about 500 ft from the exit ramp)
- Follow the frontage road through the gate and GO UP THE DIRT ROAD to the large parking lot.

I will be standing next to my black Jeep Wrangler. I am 6'4" and will be wearing a greenish gray baseball cap.

Call me if you will be late or are having trouble finding the place: [masked].

Come and enjoy a fun Thursday morning adventure with me.

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