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Re: [newtech-1] Ramon asks - Mobile Apps or Mobile Web Site

From: PJ
Sent on: Sunday, December 5, 2010, 11:32 AM
Hi Ramon,

At Consumer Reports we just went through this analysis and decided to put out a Mobile Web version of our popular Products & Ratings before putting out a significant iPhone app with barcode scanning and additional features (both require payment/subscription). Though we had conflicting advice from potential vendors, we're very happy with the choices we made and think that the order of the deployments is correct for us.

"Multi-platform" development environments are maturing for cross-phone-OS development, but it seems that in practice, you're still looking at separate development work for iPhone, Android, Blackberry. This means more development dollars, QA resources, and time. With the mobile Web, you build once (with templates for the handful of phone classes) and it will be usable by a much larger population of mobile phone+browser users.

That said, if you have functionality/features that are extremely engaging and can only be done in a native app, by all means go for it. I personally get a moment of joy when I'm wondering whether "there's an app for that" for something that I want quick, rich access to. e.g. Rally Software's iPhone app to manage Scrum projects, NY Lottery iPhone app to see the latest lotto numbers

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success = fn(perseverance)

On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 8:51 AM, Ramon Ray <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm writing an article on the issue of a mobile app vs a mobile web site for a small business. What's your take?

Up until now I've thought that every business should consider if they needed a mobile web site, especially if many of their customers would be or had the potential to go to their web site from a smartphone.?

However, now with the proliferation of apps, I wonder if the investment should be made in an app - or should a business have both?

Should the application be designed with a specific functionality and/or try to replace the mobile web site in some way? ?For example, should the app have an "about us" tab ? What about a "contact us" tab? Or should that be information that ?mobile web site should have?

In your reply please include your signature so that if I use your reply I can attribute the answer to you properly.

Thanks much,


Ramon Ray, Editor & Technology Evangelist,

The Sixth Annual Small Business Summit - March 8, 2011

Small Business Technology Tour 2011

Taste of Technology Small Business Series

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