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Re: [newtech-1] Best virtual assistant service for booking a college tour?

From: Anthony Z.
Sent on: Thursday, November 15, 2012, 3:03 PM
Hey Peter,

My girlfriend, Missy Gluckmann, is an International Education consultant. She actually has a speaker bureau and has six interns she works with on college bookings around the country.

I know that she can help you with a. advice, b. resources, and c. getting you to the right people.

Tony Zeoli, Founder
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On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 11:56 AM, Peter Bell <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi All,

I need to arrange a college tour to present on a number of campuses. I need someone to take a list of colleges (and possibly add some), find contacts at career service, in computer clubs and with faculty. I need them to propose a talk to those contacts and handle the scheduling of the tour. So I need someone who can represent an organization well, has good communication skills and can "solve the problem" and basically just return an itinerary with a list of times, dates and contact details.

How would you go about finding someone to do such a project? I'm open to a task based site like fancy hands or task rabbit, a virtual assistant site like Zirtual or some other process, but I'm trying to find a quick but effective way to find someone, give them a spec and get the work done for a few thousand dollars.

Any suggestions on a low overhead way of doing something like this much appreciated (I don't really want to write a craigslist ad and interview 40 applications, although I guess that's the worst case option).

Also, if I do do the CraigsList route, does anyone have any idea of hourly rates for this kind of work?

Best Wishes,

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