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Re: [newtech-1] Sharing Industry Stats: iPhone and Android

From: Victor S.
Sent on: Sunday, August 23, 2009, 5:31 PM
Matt, since when are you concerned with people's feelings and basic  
ethics on this list? Since the discussion is going against your grain?

Mike, follow up with us on Linux world domination.


On Aug 23, 2009, at 17:23, Matt Weinberg <[address removed]> wrote:

> On Aug 23, 2009, at 4:58 PM, Damion Hankejh wrote:
>> It's a fair question and obviously essential to understanding  
>> Microsoft well enough to go about making "dismal future" Winmo  
>> predictions.  Can you recite the method or not?
> What a condescending statement. Are you really quizzing him? His  
> assertion that WinMo is losing out to the iPhone is, frankly, true.  
> Canalys' latest numbers show iPhones outsold all Windows Mobile  
> phones in the 2nd quarter of 2009. Going to his original email it  
> says "Windows Mobile doesn't have much of a future"-- nothing I can  
> find about whatever other tactics Microsoft may have in the future.
> If you want to revert to basic name-calling, you have each others'  
> personal email addresses. Please take it off list for the sake of  
> the rest of us.
> -Matt
> --
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