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NYC Beekeeping: Upcoming- Honey Tasting Competition & Swap, Author Hannah Nordhaus

From: Liane N.
Sent on: Saturday, October 15, 2011, 3:03 PM

We have two occasions coming up to showcase members' efforts:
First, This coming Saturday October 22nd
our friends at the Battery Conservancy will hold a "Best tasting Honey Competition" as part of their Harvest FestivalTO PARTICIPATE IN THIS EVENT PLEASE REPLY TO THIS EMAIL ASAP.

Second, November 2nd we'll have an NYC tasting & honey swap with nice refreshments at the Arsenal when we host author Hannah Nordhaus.

If you are producing for just your own use and have a small bit to share (a half-ounce or so) we'd love to include it as representative of what members have accomplished so far. We have tiny jars and can arrange pickup early this week - just reply to this email asap.

If you are already producing for sale, it's an opportunity to promote your product: one jar of any size for display & tasting will do the trick.

If you prefer to enter the Battery Conservancy competition independently, please email for further instructions.


- November 2nd at the Arsenal: Booktalk, honey swap and NYC tasting with refreshments (on the roof if weather permits). Click here for more info & to RSVP.


- A couple more harvest slots are available for the afternoon of October 23rd. Please email number of frames and a phone number if you'd like to extract.


- Quite a few members interested in forage will be participating in Million Trees Planting events this month - If you are interested in forage programs please get on the topical list here 

Beekeepers: If you have not checked your varroa count lately, now is the time. We have MiteAway Quick Strips (organic/biodynamic ok) in hand. If you need a refresher on how to test, or treatment options, please email. Your bees are only as healthy as your neighbors'!
We are a group of over 1000 beekeepers and bee-lovers, founded in 2006, operating on a not-for-profit basis.
We offer a free in-depth course in beekeeping together with our sister group Gotham City Honey Co-op, expert and peer mentoring, a cooperative purchase program, and community service & outreach activities throughout the year. Members work with urban farms, community gardens, the NYC Parks Dept., schools and other organizations to foster a strong community of responsible urban beekeepers, to bring training & economic opportunity through beekeeping to under-served areas, to conserve and protect honeybees and other pollinators, and to contribute to the program and fundraising capacities of selected other not-for-profit organizations.

To make a tax-deductible charitable contribution in support of NYC Beekeeping programs please go to

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