What we’re about
Update Fall 2023 -- It's been a good year and the bees are nearly ready for winter. Please visit our Welcome Form ([http://bit.ly/Welcome-nycbeekeeping](http://bit.ly/Welcome-nycbeekeeping "http://bit.ly/Welcome-nycbeekeeping")) to let us know more about how you would like to participate and contribute this season or next, whether at distance or in-person. Resumes and letters of interest for new programs, grants and volunteering can be sent via email to: nycbeekeeping.net@gmail.com
You may also email Organizer and we will follow up.
Funding & Cost*-- Our admission process remains need-blind, but we rely on the support of students, friends and organizational donors to keep our programs sustainable for a second decade. We can partner with agencies or other NGOs on government grants, and can accept corporate and individual contributions (tax deductible within the legal limits). Please feel free to contact us at the Organizer email.*
Update Spring 2022 -- The bees have overwintered well, and a new season has begun. We continue to adapt our teaching methods and programming for the evolving conditions and invite you to visit the Welcome Form (http://bit.ly/Welcome-nycbeekeeping) to be contacted about 2022 programs.
Update Fall 2021 -- As the second season of COVID draws to a close, we are grateful for all who have helped us continue to serve through this period. The bees are going strong, and we will accept new applications for 2022.
Update Equinox 2021 -As we begin fieldwork this year, we share the tradition of "Telling the Bees."

Please read on for more information about what we do, then visit our Welcome Form to let us know more about how you would like to participate and contribute, whether at distance or in-person.
Welcome all BeeLovers & BeeKeepers - We're glad you've found us!
Update 2021 Emerging from COVID-- We continue to operate in appropriate ways, adjusting to COVID constraints and uncertainties.
In 2020, we adapted our traditional programming, described below, to COVID conditions, and we expect to offer new programming for both Beginning and Advancing Beekeepers during the 2021 season.
Those who started with us in the Special 2020 Cohort do not need to reapply. Your program-in-progress resumes in February 2021.
Our Traditional Programming centers on full-season, hands-on learning pathways for beekeeping (February to November), delivered by a team of experienced professional beekeepers and serious hobbyists. Please note - program delivery is subject to alterations due to COVID
-- The Saturday Series: A thorough classroom & hands-on foundation course for motivated people who commit for the season. No experience necessary for first year students. A certificate for the first year, and an apprenticeship opportunity in the second year, are offered for those who meet all requirements. The Saturday Series meets for approximately twelve 3 to 4-hour sessions, February through November, plus some ad hoc or weather dates.
-- Field Studies Fellowship: Set up individually for those who commit to certain weekdays. This can be structured as an apprenticeship, or as an internship for high school, interim year, and college/grad students.
-- Advancing Group: Beekeeping is harder than it looks. A number of beekeepers have found their way here to join us in deepening their knowledge and mutual aid. This group is open to committed supporters of our organizational goals and mission who have done some beekeeping before.
-- Teachers: We offer specialized individual consulting and training to establish or enhance ongoing programs at schools and in community gardens citywide. Please contact us about substantive STEM with hands-on activities. If you are trying to launch a beekeeping program or applying for grants from any source, please consult us now.
Corporate special events and speakers are available. We welcome corporate contributions.
For those who want just a little taste or who want to explore whether beekeeping is for you, please watch for Newcomer Events scheduled periodically, and consider supporting our work with your talents.
Looking for certified NYC-grown honey or holiday giving? Please complete the linked form and we will contact you.
We hope to welcome you in 2021 !

• UPDATE 11-26-2020 We are grateful to the amazing volunteers and students who have worked with us to adapt to the challenges of 2020. The bees are set for winter, and we will be in touch with the 2020-21 class in advance of next season.
• UPDATE 9-16-2019 We are accepting early-bird applications for 2020 and have slots for a few fall volunteers.
• UPDATE 8-20-2019 Harvest is in and we are well along with fall prep. Beekeepers: Please control varroa with appropriate treatments, for your bees and for your neighbors' bees. If you need support, please reach out to us asap to join the Advancing Beekeepers' Group.
• UPDATE 5-23-2019
We are in the field & accepting waitlist applications for training programs. The next entry point for Newcomers and full-season training will be in late June.
Prospective, New, and Advancing beekeepers can connect now for bee health support, training and volunteer programs by leaving an inquiry on our Welcome Form.
• UPDATE 4-29-2019 -- We are in the field & accepting waitlist applications for training programs. There is an entry point coming up this month May 4th and May 18 for those hoping to join the Saturday Sessions Program this year. To learn more about 2019 training options, volunteering and ways to give, please read on, then, visit our Welcome form and let us know how you would like to participate this season.
• UPDATE 4-10-2019 -- We are in the field --For more info about 2019 training, volunteering and ways to give, please read on, then, drop us an email about what you would like to do, and let us know how to reach you, or visit our Welcome form.
• UPDATE 1-Feb-2019 We are just getting back from the break and interviewing for 2019 programs now-- For more info about 2019 training, volunteering and ways to give, please read on, then, drop us an email about what you would like to do, and let us know how to reach you, or visit our Welcome Form
• UPDATE 11/12/18: Please join us for a Newcomers' Welcome Event on December 1st - Share some sweetness and learn how you can participate and contribute. Honey gifts will be available for donors. Donations are tax deductible within the legal limits. Hope you can join us!
Beekeepers: Timely Varroa control is essential for the health of your bees and your neighbors' bees. Please email nycbeekeeping.net@gmail.com for technical support.
Welcome and thanks for your interest in joining us! The goldenrod honey-flow is on even as fall arrives. We'll have a couple of Workalongs and an opportunity for Tasting and Celebration before season's end, open to friends and supporters.
UPDATE 8/10/18: Harvest is in and we hope to share some sweetness with you at the Newcomers' Welcome event coming up. Hope you can join us!
We have begun fall prep. Beekeepers: Varroa control is essential for the health of your bees and your neighbors' bees. Please email nycbeekeeping.net@gmail.com for technical support.
We'll have a couple of Workalongs before season's end open to friends and supporters.
Are you an organization that wants to team up to plan an activity with us? An individual or corporation that wants to give us some support? Please email admin AT nycbeekeeping.org
UPDATE 5/3/18: The bees command our presence in the field at this time of year, so please forgive a slower response time to general inquiries!
2018 Season Training Programs in Urban Beekeeping are underway. We accept applications on a rolling basis, and there is a waitlist for the Saturday Training Series at this time. Field Studies Group may have some slots available. For either training program, or if you would like to discuss other projects, please email Organizer.
Welcome all BeeLovers & BeeKeepers -- We're glad you've found us!
To volunteer, to donate, to receive training, to develop joint programming or to collaborate on grants, you have come to the right place. We welcome Corporate Responsibility programs as well.
If you are new, please scout around the site to get an idea of what we do, and be sure you are set to "receive email from Organizer" on this site. You can also email admin [AT] nycbeekeeping.org directly.
Honey & Hive Products inquiry form For honey or other products of the hive grown or made locally in NYC, please click here for an inquiry form and we will connect you in season.
We accept applications for the Saturday Training Series and for Field Studies Group on a rolling basis. The Saturday Series meets approximately once a month for 10 sessions, February through November. If you are free some weekdays, you may want to apply for Field Studies Group, which meets during weekday hours at various sites.
To learn with us, or if you are looking for other ways to participate (apprenticeship/internship, volunteering, corporate responsibility programming, nfp partnering, research opportunity...), please email with contact information to admin [AT] nycbeekeeping.org. Please feel free to contact us with your questions about urban and suburban beekeeping, and how you, your organization, or your city can participate -
We hope to welcome you in 2018!
UPDATE 4/6/18: 2018 Season Training Programs in Urban Beekeeping are underway. We accept applications on a rolling basis, and there is a waitlist for the Saturday Training Series at this time. Field Studies Group may have some slots available. For either training program, or if you would like to discuss other projects, please email Organizer.
IMPORTANT: Beekeepers, please remember to send your mandatory annual notice to the Dept of Health (more here) .
UPDATE 11/1/17: As the 2017 season draws to a close, we are accepting applications for the 2018 season's training programs. Please email a letter of interest to: admin [AT] nycbeekeeping.org and we'll follow up.
UPDATE 8/28/17: Fall prep has begun. Beekeepers in need of help with varroa control , or Newcomers seeking application information for our training programs, please email admin@nycbeekeeping.org
We'll have at least one gear maintenance volunteer day coming up this fall -- A good way to get acquainted ! Please watch for dates to be posted. We look forward to welcoming you!
UPDATE 6/30/17: Summer is here. Need we say more?
UPDATE 5/5/17: 2017 Season Training Programs in Urban Beekeeping are underway - Please scroll down for more info and contact info. Summer Newcomers' Activity dates coming soon.
We accept applications on a rolling basis. There is a waitlist for the Saturday Training Series at this time. Field Studies Group, which meets during weekday hours at various sites, still has some slots available. For either training program, or if you would like to discuss other projects, please email Organizer.
We hope to welcome you to the training program or to other events in 2017!
UPDATE 3/11/17: 2017 Season Training Programs in Urban Beekeeping have begun:
We accept applications on a rolling basis. There is a waitlist for the Saturday Training Series at this time. Field Studies Group, which meets during weekday hours at various sites, still has some slots available. For either training program, or if you would like to discuss other projects, please email Organizer.
We hope to welcome you to the training program or to other events in 2017!
UPDATE 1/12/2017 We're accepting applications for 2017 training programs now. Please email Organizer for application instructions & more information. We hope to welcome you in 2017!
UPDATE 12/26/2016
We're accepting applications for 2017 now. Please email Organizer for application instructions & more information. We hope to welcome you to the training program or to other events in 2017!
We invite motivated people who will commit for the season to apply for the 2017 Saturday Training Series which meets one Saturday each month from February through November. Each session is scheduled 9 to noon, though we sometimes run over.
UPDATE 11/28/2016
The bees are wrapped for winter, and we've had our last official class session for 2016. Time to take a little holiday break!
We will begin accepting applications again in December for the 2017 Saturday Training Series and for Field Studies Group. Want to volunteer with with our growing not-for-profit organization during the off-season? Pleas drop a line to Organizer**. Corporate responsibility programs are welcome to connect with us too!**
UPDATE 10/14/2016
We're readying hives for winter and planning for spring. If you want to learn with us next season, now is a good time to apply -- We have limited slots for the Saturday Training Series and for Field Studies Group, and just a little more fieldwork before the bees are put to bed.
Want to volunteer with a growing not-for-profit organization? Let us know the skills you want to share. Corporate responsibility programs are welcome to connect with us too!
An email with contact information to admin [AT] nycbeekeeping.org will get you started --
We look forward to welcoming you!
UPDATE 9/6/2016
Fall prep continues, as our 2016 course winds down. Jane Goodall is coming to celebrate with us at Van Cortlandt Park on September 17th. For details or to RSVP, please click HERE - Oh and by the way, we'll be tasting the new honey crop.
REMINDER: If you are a beekeeper, it's essential to test & treat for varroa during this period for the benefit of your hives and your neighbors' hives. For mentoring and support, please email admin [AT] nycbeekeeping.org
UPDATE 8/22/2016
We're wrapping up the harvest and have begun fall prep --
IMPORTANT: If you are a beekeeper, it's essential to test & treat for varroa during this period for the benefit of your hives and your neighbors' hives. For mentoring and support, please email admin [AT] nycbeekeeping.org
We are approaching the end of the 2016 Saturday Training Series, but admitting new students on a rolling basis. Those who onboard with us now and continue the series in 2017 will be ready to join us in the apiaries, or to start their own hives, next spring.
To learn with us, or if you are looking for other ways to participate in 2016-17 (apprenticeship/internship, volunteering, corporate responsibility programming, nfp partnering, research opportunity...), please email with contact information to admin [AT] nycbeekeeping.org.
UPDATE 7/29/2016
Whew - have we been busy in the field-- There is a beautiful crop of honey to share this season and we will be welcoming new volunteers, trainees and supporters soon for a Newcomers' Event: Intro to Beekeeping at Randall's Island. (UPDATE 8/13 date will probably be postponed due to weather - Please drop us a line if you are eager to get started in the meantime).
If you've been curious about beekeeping, or wondering how to get involved,you have come to the right place. We're accepting applications for class & for Field Studies Group on a rolling basis. Please email Organizer or admin AT nycbeekeeping.org for application info.
UPDATE 5/25/2016
First week of May is usually the beginning of swarm season here, when bees naturally reproduce new colonies. This year it seems unsettled weather has delayed the start, but we've heard of at least one recently.
If your bees survived the winter, it's important to manage them to minimize swarming, but you don't need to have your own hive to participate in swarm spotting or collection.
If you need technical support for swarm prevention, would like to learn how to collect a swarm, or would like to learn about hosting a swarm capture box, please join here and email Organizer.
UPDATE 4/6/2016
Package bees are beginning to come in. If you ordered from Mann Lake for pickup dates 2, 3 or 4, and want to caravan or share costs with someone who is driving, please email and we can connect you.
UPDATE 3/10/2016:
Spring is in the air and the bees are bringing in pollen!
We are accepting applications for our 2016 Saturday Training Program and for Field Studies Group. Please click here for scheduled 2016 program dates and more info.
If you are new, please scout around the site to get an idea of what we do, and be sure you are set to "receive email from Organizer" on this site.
If you represent a Community Garden or are looking for opportunities to donate, to volunteer or to receive training with us, you have come to the right place.
We welcome all BeeLovers & BeeKeepers and we're glad you've found us!

UPDATE 2/1/2016:
It's 53 degrees today : a good day to check the bees and possibly feed!
We are accepting applications for our 2016 Saturday Training Program and for Field Studies Group. Please click here for scheduled 2016 program dates and more info. The first session will be February 27th.
If you represent a Community Garden or are looking for opportunities to donate, to volunteer or to receive training with us, you have come to the right place.
If you are new, please scout around the site to get an idea of what we do, and be sure you are set to "receive email from Organizer" on this site.
We welcome all BeeLovers & BeeKeepers and we're glad you've found us!
UPDATE 12/24/2015:
Happy Holidays! Well, we've put the bees to bed, but the unseasonably warm weather means bees are more active and may need feeding.
If you are new, please scout around the site to get an idea of what we do, and be sure you are set to receive email from Organizer. If you represent a Community Garden or are looking for opportunities to donate, to volunteer or to receive training with us, you have come to the right place.
We are accepting applications for our 2016 Saturday Training Program and for Field Studies Group. Please email admin [AT] nycbeekeeping.org
We welcome all BeeLovers & BeeKeepers and we're glad you've found us!
Click here for scheduled 2016 program dates

UPDATE 10/4/2015:
We are coming to the end of the 2015 season as fall sets in. If you'd like to volunteer with us in the next few weeks, most work will take place on weekday mornings.
Beekeepers can email for technical support. MAQS strips are still available while temperatures are in range.
If you are new, please scout around the site to get an idea of what we do, and be sure you are set to receive email from Organizer. If you represent a Community Garden or are looking for opportunities to donate, to volunteer or to receive training with us, please drop a line to admin AT nycbeekeeping.org.
We welcome all BeeLovers & BeeKeepers and we're glad you've found us!
Press inquiries please email: nycbeekeeping.net AT gmail.com
4/4/2014 PLEASE NOTE: Our Facebook account has been hijacked. Please take what appears there with a grain of salt.
Welcome to the 2015 Season!
We are busy in the field and it's a great learning year as we explore the "sustainable apiary" model. We welcome all Beekepers and Beelovers to participate with us! Join us for scheduled programs, get on the Actives list, or get in touch by email. There is plenty to do, lots to learn, and many ways to contribute!
Click here to get on the "Actives" list
Please scroll down to read more and for calendar
Upcoming Events:
We have begun fall prep. Beekeepers: MAQS strips and Varroa test kits are available. Please email nycbeekeeping.net@gmail.com for technical support.
We'll have a couple more Workalongs, and some harvest activities before season's end.
Are you an organization that wants to team up to plan an activity with us? An individual or corporation that wants to give us some support? Please email admin AT nycbeekeeping.org

Please scroll down for Calendar and other ways to connect.
You can email by clicking the "Contact" link at left, or nycbeekeeping.net@gmail.com.
We're also now on twitter
Learn with us
Beekeepers and aspiring beekeepers, Jim's Winter Lecture series has wrapped up, and we have added new learning options this year to our award-winning program.
Click here to learn more.
Connect with us:
Want to host a hive or bring other pollinators to your garden or rooftop, looking for honey from your neighborhood, or beekeeper seeking assistance? Want to join summer hands-on activities, harvest with us, or connect with a program for your school?
Get on the Actives List and let us know!
Conserve with us
To Support Bees & Beekeeping with a charitable donation, or to partner on corporate responsibility programs, please contact us.
Host a Hive inquiry form
We will try to match you with a beekeeper seeking a site.
Join a Community harvest! We have room for BeeLovers as well as BeeKeepers. It's always a celebration! You can get on the list now, and we'll be in touch as sessions are scheduled in season. 
Honey & Hive Products inquiry form
For honey or other products of the hive grown or made locally in NYC, please click here for an inquiry form and we will connect you in season.
IMPORTANT: Beekeepers, please remember to send your mandatory annual notice to the Dept of Health (more here) by March 31st.
Bee Rescue Hotline: 917-740-4BEE
April to June is typically "swarm season," when bee colonies naturally reproduce. Though we teach how to minimize swarming, there are no guarantees, and they may need to be collected. A swarm left undisturbed is typically calm as it awaits scouts bringing information about possible new homes.
If you see a swarm that needs a home - we may be able to help. Please call 917-740-4BEE (4233), tell us when & where, and leave contact info for followup. Please be as specific as you can & if possible send a photo to nycbeekeeping@gmail.com. A beekeeper will survey the situation and call in support if needed.
Come, learn, enjoy!
nycbeekeeping.org™ (NYC Beekeeping) is an all-volunteer conservation and education group for beekeepers and beelovers.
We organize beekeeper training, expert and peer mentoring, and community service & outreach activities throughout the year. Since 2006, we have worked with urban farms, community gardens, the NYC Parks Dept., the Javits Center, schools and other organizations to foster a strong community of Responsible Urban Beekeepers, to bring training & economic opportunity through beekeeping to underserved areas, to conserve and protect honeybees and other pollinators, and to contribute to the program and fundraising capacities of other selected 501(c)(3) organizations.