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Re: [css-60] Excellent positions available at great agencies

From: Mike R.
Sent on: Friday, September 25, 2009, 5:47 PM
I worked at MCD, it's a nice environment to work in. However one of their clients requires that they use a proprietary JavaScript framework (programmed by MCD) instead of jQuery, Prototype, etc. If you interview there, be prepared to answer questions related to core JavaScript programming and expect a 20 minute technical exam.


On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Nater Kane <[address removed]> wrote:
hey NOM is hiring too, i mean, since you ARE spamming everyone, lemme send you the deets. :-)

btw, how have you been!?


Nater Kane

On Sep 25, 2009, at 3:44 PM, katarina <[address removed]> wrote:

I hate to be spamming the group, but just wanted to make everyone aware of new positions available with two great agencies - ROKKAN and MCD.

The position available with ROKKAN:
- Jr. Creative Technologist/Assistant

The positions available with MCD:
- Flex and Flash ActionScript Developer (Onsite/Freelance)
- Experienced Web Developer

Check out our message board for more details and specs of each position if you're interested.
NY CSS Meetup Message Board

If you know of anyone looking for work be a friend and forward the message.

Thanks! Wishing a great weekend to all.


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