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New Meetup: Delivering web applications using browser side technologies and Blank Slate APIs

From: Katarina B.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 11:35 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for NY CSS Meetup!

What: Delivering web applications using browser side technologies and Blank Slate APIs

When: November 4,[masked]:00 PM

203 Lafayette St.
New York, NY 10012

Abstract - Ning Zhou, CTO of Blank Slate Factory, will demonstrate the creation of a web application using browser side technologies (HTML/CSS/JS) and the Blank Slate Web Platform. By using the Blank Slate platform, designers and developers can build, share, analyze and monetize web applications without having to built core application capabilities such as data management, user management and payment collection. We are currently accepting beta customers to Blank Slate. Beta customers can be developers and business people -- and we're helping to match people with complementary skills.

About Blank Slate Factory, Inc. - ( Blank Slate is a web platform that narrows the range of things you have to do to develop and deliver web applications. Blank Slate offers a complete set of APIs for making, sharing, monetizing, and monitoring web applications. The Blank Slate platform provides core infrastructure and application capabilities through REST style APIs, allowing our customers to focus on what's important to them, and leaving back end concerns to us.

Blank Slate's Benefits include:
1) Development - You can focus on the UI tier, work with any programming language
2) Sharing - Because applications are built on top of APIs, sharing information through APIs is inherent, no additional coding to publish APIs
3) Analytics - Because APIs sit at the core of the application, you get clear visibility into how people are using your apps

Learn more here:

Hope you can make it out!

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