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Fw: Seed swap and barter free-for-all!

From: Joan Ewing and Wilton D.
Sent on: Saturday, January 24, 2009, 10:33 AM
Diana Leafe Christian is speaking at this event in Tivoli, NY. Rsvp to Anya Raskin at [address removed].

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hey all -

Come join us for an all-out bartering day for international seed swap day (! It's a damn good excuse to dig out the seeds you've saved or the extra seeds from last year that will still germinate, old clothes, gadgets, paint, etc. that you'd like to barter! We're going to have a no-money-allowed event. Work trades and all sorts of other swapping encouraged! It's one way to get around the economy.

common fire housing co-op
464 W. Kerley Corners Rd.
Tivoli, NY 12583

Saturday, January 31
2:30 - 5 PM
Pot-luck dinner at 5

to me! respond to this email! do it as soon as you know you can make it!

And after, join us for a talk given by Diana Leafe Christian.

Diana Leafe Christian is an author, speaker, workshop presenter, and activist for intentional communities, particularly ecovillages and cohousing communities. She is a consultant for many different kinds of intentional communities, including ecovillages, cohousing communities, and forming-community groups. She offers Talks and slide shows about ecovillages and starting successful new communities. (

Please forward far and wide and let all your friends know!


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