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Big Thank You from Larry Santoyo and the House of Tiny Egos!

From: suzi
Sent on: Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 12:05 PM
What do Fabulousness, Fashion,Food,Friends,Foreigners and Brazilian Underwear have in common???
We were all at Larry Santoyo's Eco Urban workshop @ the House of Tiny Egos.
A big shout out to Sean Maley for all his support in helping us put this together;lovely Claudia Joseph, pioneer woman of this movement in NYC,and oh so chic!; and thanks to Andrew Faust for sharing his perspective with us and our resident members ivano,danni,gg and sunny for their excellent lunches and coctail hour.
The House of Tiny Egos would also like to give special thanks to Sensei Larry Santoyo for a tour de force presentation of his insight and perspective.
Lastly, the beautiful people, thank you so much for your participation and enthusiasm ! We are grateful for your support! Don't Stop!!!
Our next engagement with Larry will be in September 09 (details soon to follow), we will be continuing the Eco Urban Series and for those who are suffering from withdrawal syndrome (we know, we did too!), a house of tiny egos Haute Couture Permaculture Workshop
"Critical Thinking and Application, Beyond Cob and Compost with Larry Santoyo"
Please email us, let us know you're interested and we will forward you details and imfo as soon as it's available.Returning students will receive a preferential rate.
Contact: [address removed]
More feedback from the last two weekends' Eco Urban Series:
"This rocked!Larry was great-very accessible and elegant presentation of complex imformation..."Rupert P, New York Restoration Project
"Obliterates objections" Ina B, New York
"Larry opened my eyes to a whole new world of permaculture,gardening being only one aspect of it" Jeeyun H,fine artist, New York
"Thank you for sharing uncle Larry with NYC....powerful...inspiring....compost for the brain!" Mariel B, New York "
"...I was highly impressed. It is nice to come into something new to your thoughts that actually exceeds your expectations. I'm now a convert..." K Book,New York
"..Passionate and Brilliant teacher...utopian brooklyn location...deliciously prepared food,material above and beyond my expectations"A. Meierding, environmantal artist, New York
"Instructor Larry Santoyo was a wealth of imformation, I cant say enough about him" K Jackson,New York
"I am so very thankful for this workshop...This just makes sense...feels right"C.Browne,New York
"Larry Santoyo is one badass ---------(something we cant print)! Larry is an extraordinary teacher who brings his strong personality to the table to get the message across, and he delivers!" Kimberly,PDC graduate,Boston
"Just good stuff!"...J.Perne,New York
"Grrreat!!!Encore Please" B.Eastmond,New York

big big love till next time,

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