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Re: [opensource-62] network bandwidth question

From: Josh A.
Sent on: Sunday, April 14, 2013, 11:16 PM
Cat 5e can do gigabit just fine. The powerline adapter will definitely be your bottleneck in this setup.You will rarely see over 100Mbps over them. Check out the chart on this page.


On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 10:56 PM, mowgli <[address removed]> wrote:
i am using gigabit powerline adapters but the question is the same if i used premise wiring vs powerline.

my powerline adapters are gigabit on both ends of the connection (ie adapter in my room & adapter in room with LAN switch), so:
  1. if my cable from adapter to PC is cat5e, do i still get the max speed gigabit offers?
  2. what if cable from switch to its adapter is cat5e?  switch does have a gigabit port but i am just using the rj45 port.
  3. & what if cable from switch to ISPs router is a cat5e?
basically i am trying to determine which, if any, cables i should upgrade to improve data speeds on the LAN.  educate me to your like/patience!  googling it gives me all kinds of mixed feedback so i remain confused.

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