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Re: [opensource-62] network bandwidth question

From: John F.
Sent on: Monday, April 15, 2013, 12:02 AM
Bottlenecks: powerline adapters, and desktop NICs.

Desktop NICs are often connected to the system via a low bandwidth internal bus, so even though you can theorietically get 1Gbps on the copper - the machine realistically gets under half the promised bandwidth. If you have a server, it should be tied to the PCI-X bus at a higher rate.  Should...

So here is how you can test it!  Trust but verify! :)

On 04/14/[masked]:56 PM, mowgli wrote:
i am using gigabit powerline adapters but the question is the same if i used premise wiring vs powerline.

my powerline adapters are gigabit on both ends of the connection (ie adapter in my room & adapter in room with LAN switch), so:
  1. if my cable from adapter to PC is cat5e, do i still get the max speed gigabit offers?
  2. what if cable from switch to its adapter is cat5e?  switch does have a gigabit port but i am just using the rj45 port.
  3. & what if cable from switch to ISPs router is a cat5e?
basically i am trying to determine which, if any, cables i should upgrade to improve data speeds on the LAN.  educate me to your like/patience!  googling it gives me all kinds of mixed feedback so i remain confused.

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