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CBC Tapestry on Losing Religion & its author William Lobdell

From: Steve
Sent on: Sunday, September 5, 2010, 2:28 PM

Losing Religion

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losing-religion.jpgWilliam Lobdell?was the last person anyone would expect to lose his faith. The journalist hit rock bottom in his twenties. But his life turned around when he became a born-again Christian. Lobdell prayed for his dream job, as the religion reporter at one of the biggest papers in the U.S. Miraculously, he got it. He was winning awards for his stories about faith; life was good. Then something happened.?

This week,?William Lobdell?tells Mary how his faith came crashing down.?William Lobdell?is the author of?Losing My Religion: How I lost my Faith Reporting on Religion in America - and Found Unexpected Peace, published by Collins.?

Also this week
In an honest and revealing essay, CBC producer and host,?Garvia Bailey, shares her story about losing religion as a child.

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