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CBC Ideas - Listen to four sharp philosophers discuss secularism

From: Steve
Sent on: Monday, September 6, 2010, 3:46 PM
In the car this afternoon I caught part of the following discussion aired on CBC's "Ideas in the Afternoon". Here is a link to the original show about a month ago. So far I have heard lots of intelligent, principled discussion, even when I disagree, about the role of?secularism and?religion in the public sphere, including the role of religion in law, education, and other aspects of public life.


Ideas Air Date: Tuesday - August 3, 2010

Talking Philosophy: Secularism, Part 1 (Listen)

We live in a Secular Age. Here in Canada, as in other liberal democracies, religion no longer plays a central role in public life. How then are we to think, in a principled way, about a host of issues riddling society today? From creationism to burqas, IDEAS host?Paul Kennedy?and philosophers?Michael Blake,?Simone Chambers,?Mohammad Fadel?and?Arthur Ripstein, tackle religion and the putatively secular state, from a philosophic perspective.

?Listen to Talking Philosophy: Secularism, Part 1


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