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New Meetup: Longish run (15 km/9 mi)

From: Axel
Sent on: Thursday, December 3, 2009, 11:01 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Paris Running Meetup Group!

What: Longish run (15 km/9 mi)

When: December 6,[masked]:30 AM

Rotonde de la Villette
Place Stalingrad

Let's meet at 10:30am at Rotonde de la Villette (metro Stalingrad or Jaur?s), by the fountain in the middle, for a 15-km (9-mi) run along canal de l'Ourcq, with pleasant sceneries and no cars. We'll simply run 7.5 km on the cycling/running trail and turn around.
I won't be carrying my phone with me this time, so look for the runner with a gray "Team in Training" running cap. Hopefully there will be enough participants to form different pace groups. Please bring your own water - be aware that there is a drinking fountain at the 2 mile mark, and one at the 4.5 mile mark.
I will have my car, so you can bring a bag and fresh clothes to leave in it so you can change after the run.
Please be on time, we will only wait about 5 minutes before we take off.
Any questions, feel free to email me!

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