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New Meetup: Expatries Coached Swim Session

From: Brian
Sent on: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 6:53 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Paris Running Meetup Group!

What: Expatries Coached Swim Session

When: Tuesday, February 2,[masked]:15 AM

Piscine Pasteur
Boulevard d'Inkermann

On Tuesday, we will be having our weekly coached swim session in Piscine Pasteur in Neuilly which is on boulevard d'Inkermann. It will start around 7:15 AM. (Yes, in the morning.) As the pool closes at 8:30, it won't last much more than an hour. At the moment, we don't have a reserved lane (David and Bob are working on that) but should be able to control one lane as the pool usually isn't crowded. We will be in the one of the two closest lanes to the wall. These are not swim/fitness workouts although we will swim well over a KM; they are to help us improve our technique so we will be more efficient and faster swimmers.

Although it is only 25 meters, it is a very nice pool. If you plan on doing this on a regular basis, instead of buying a single admission, I would strongly suggest buying a 20 hour card.

Furthermore, it would be great if you can bring a pull-buoy and fins but they are not necessary unless you plan on making this a habit.

They do have a bike rack outside to lock up your bike. Because of the high school next door there are Neuilly teenagers waiting thus it appears to be a very safe place. I have locked my bike every time and haven't had a problem.

If you have any questions, please email me offline.And, if you don't know what "expaTRI?s" means or interested in triathlons, check out our website or sign up for our MeetUp group.

To clarify, I do realize that this is a Meetup for biking but since biking is one discipline of triathlon, many members already do triathlons and it is good to have activity on the site as activity begets activity, I am posting it here as well so please excuse the email if you aren't interested. And, believe it or not, every week I do get some new interest so others are interested. Otherwise, see you at the next race.

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