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New Meetup: Run around Parc Monceau

From: Axel
Sent on: Thursday, December 3, 2009, 10:57 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Paris Running Meetup Group!

What: Run around Parc Monceau

When: December 13,[masked]:30 AM

Parc de Monceau
Bd de Courcelles 75017

One of our newest members, Magali, has very kindly offered to host runs around Parc Monceau.
45 minutes to an hour, jogging around the park. You can run at your own pace, or in groups if there are enough participants. Expected pace is around 10-11 min / mile.
Meet after the run for stretching.
The run takes place rain or shine (except in case of flood, tsunami or earthquake, says Magali!).

The park has bathrooms and water fountains.

Meet at 9:30 at the metro station "Monceau", right outside the park. Please be on time, the group will only wait about 5 minutes before taking off!

If you have any questions, please direct them at your host for this event, Magali.

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