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Re: [phillyrussian] What kind of cultural events you would be interested to attend

From: phil
Sent on: Thursday, November 13, 2014, 9:59 PM
Hi Mikhail and to other members of the group,
I look forward to meeting all the members of the group soon.
 I enjoy all things cultural.
 I also have a degree in Russian, but if anybody would be interested in helping a Russian stdent become conversational, I would be indebted to your graciousness.
M number is[masked]. Feel free to call or text.
Best regards,

On Thursday, November 13,[masked]:13 PM, Mikhail Zorich <[address removed]> wrote:

Dear Members of the group.
As you, probably, know I am organizing many events throughout the area. One, piano recital, is coming up next Thursday at Glen Foerd on Delaware. I would like to ask group members one question: What kind of events (what, where, when) you would be interested to attend?
Thank you in advance for you feedback.
Mikhail Zorich

Mikhail Zorich
Russian Mosaica Heritage Festival
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Follow us on Twitter.

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