Czym się zajmujemy
It's a meetup located in Cracow for those who are interested in Go programming language, its ecosystem and related technologies.
YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/@gocracow](https://www.youtube.com/@gocracow)
Talk proposal form: [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTAkTCdU9buxtpvTHWe8c31n6K-RKi4bH-BZpZTop7Ox54Tw/viewform?usp=sf_link](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTAkTCdU9buxtpvTHWe8c31n6K-RKi4bH-BZpZTop7Ox54Tw/viewform?usp=sf_link)
Nadchodzące wydarzenia (1)
Zobacz wszystkie- GoCracow #15 - Memory in Go and When to not use assertion librariesHigh 5ive FOUR, Kraków
Announcing next GoCracow meetup! We're thrilled to have Splunk a Cisco company as our host!
The meetup is going to take place in the new Splunk Kraków Office which is located in High 5ive FOUR, 2nd floor (Pawia 21, Kraków). We recommend entering the building from the northern entrance. Someone with Splunk badge should help you entering the office.
Registration for the event is mandatory and seats are limited. Please attend here on meetup.com and enroll yourself in the office’s reception during the actual meetup. The host is going to provide some pizza, drinks, and snacks.
We will try to record the event and to publish it later on our YouTube channel.
1. Registration and socializing [30 min; 17:30 - 18:00]
Register yourself at the office’s reception and print a badge with your name and photo. Please do not come at the last moment.2. Dawid Gacek, Selected topics about memory in Go [45 min; 18:00 - 18:45]
If you’ve entered the beautiful world of software engineering without a formal background in computer science (like me), you might feel like you're missing some knowledge about how memory works. In this talk, I’d like to shed light on a few interesting memory-related topics in Go.
We’ll explore several fascinating phenomena that can help us better understand what happens behind the scenes when we write code - from a memory perspective. Why should we start with concrete types instead of designing interfaces first? How can we optimize our code with minimal effort? And what tools can assist us?I am a Software Engineer at SolarWinds with six years of experience in IT. Most of this time, I have worked with Go, along with Python, JavaScript, Groovy, and a few other languages. Day to day, I focus on the Digital Experience Monitoring area.
I’m passionate about people, team communication, and productivity. In my free time, I alternate between coding, running, reading, baking my own bread, or playing PlayStation—probably in that order.3. Snacks break [30 min; 18:45 - 19:15]
4. Robert Pająk, Should I avoid using testify and any other assertion library? [30 min; 19:15 - 19:45]
I’ve often wondered why the Go Wiki advises against using ‘assert’ libraries for testing. It’s intriguing, especially when I think about how testify has become so popular in our community. Don’t get me wrong—I’ve relied on it myself—but there must be reasons behind that advice. In this session, I’ll share my personal experiences with various testing helper libraries across different Go projects, from reusable libraries, like OpenTelemetry Go, to complex network applications. I’ve encountered moments where these tools were invaluable and others where they felt like a hindrance. Let’s dive into the practical implications of using—or avoiding—these libraries together. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, this is an invitation to join me in exploring how assertion libraries shape our software.I am currently a Principal Software Engineer at Splunk a Cisco company and a maintainer of OpenTelemetry Go. Test automation has been one of my key areas of interest (and improvement) since I completed my computer science studies. I also co-organize GoCracow meetups.
We need you! Please propose talks for next meetups: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTAkTCdU9buxtpvTHWe8c31n6K-RKi4bH-BZpZTop7Ox54Tw/viewform.